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Mandalorian Way KOTFE


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Leveling up a new BH and I started to think about the choices in KOTFE. I'm curious as to how you think a true Mandalorian would navigate the KOTFE world?


Would they accept Valk's power? Or use it at all?

Stop the reactor from blowing? Allow Kaliyo to blow up the city?


The one thing I'm certain that they'd do is ram the ship with Darth Marr at the beginning in a "take out as many as we can last hurrah" and they'd attempt to shoot down Arcann's ship (I think) at the end of ch. 16.


Have you run through it with your bounty hunter? What choices did you make?

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Since you're mandolorian you are all about honour.

- is there honour in letting a bunch of helpless civilians die?

- is it honourable to "cheat" in battle?


It's questions like this that you want to ask yourself. Also look at Shae Vizla and her views about honour and also look at the gormak and how they view honour.

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Since you're mandolorian you are all about honour.

- is there honour in letting a bunch of helpless civilians die?

- is it honourable to "cheat" in battle?


It's questions like this that you want to ask yourself. Also look at Shae Vizla and her views about honour and also look at the gormak and how they view honour.


Two answer these 2 questions:

A true mandalorian would let the civilians die. Survival of the fittest is also a foundational belief of the Mandalore. They will never strike down an innocent, unarmed person, but neither will they help them (because helping them would mean those don't gain any glory, therefore they are worthless)

A true mandalorian would never accept Vitiate's power. There is no glory in cheating (see BH story Chapter I)


If you want to roleplay a mandalorian keep these in mind:

-Always go for the biggest challenge

-Never cheat or use loopholes, there isn't any glory in that

-Never hurt anyone helpless or undeserving just for lolz, there isn't any glory in that

-Never help those weaker than you, you will only hinder their progress, but...

-... If someone you didn't help survived on his own, he's earned the right that you train him to be the warrior he can be

(If they don't survive they weren't worth the time anyway)

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It just got to me you were talking about the civilians in the Spire. My answer was about the civilians in the swamp. A true mandalorian would shut the core down, because simply that's more difficult, and he wouldn't murder a bunch of innocents for his easier way. And a true mandalorian wouldn't blow up the Spire, where is the glory in killing innocents?
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