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Hatred sin needs love


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The last Sorc nerf also nerfed Hatred, why I ask? Madness was a bit OP, but Hatred lacks all the self healing a madness sorc has and is nearly just as squishy.


My suggestion would be to raise the self heals off our 2 primary dots. 10% healing is bunk for a squishy melee class that lacks the big burst that other squishy melee classes like Mara have. I'm cool with Death Field staying 5m range, but our 2 dots should be raised higher than 10% self heals. They were fine at 25%, or even a bit higher.

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You are not as squishy as you think you are. Rotate your defensives and time your heals (never use a skill that heals you if you are at full health for example, which yes means you have to go "off script" from your rotation at times).


Fully PvE equipped, I walked into an arena. 4 shadows on my team ( 3 infiltration, I was serenity which is the shadow's hatred) against a merc, sorc, jugg and mara. One of the infiltrators was whining about me being pve equiped and how we are gonna lose and I am going to suck...I out damaged, out healed, out protected (you have a taunt, USE IT!) oh, and I solo killed the sorc BOTH MATCHES while fending off the mara. The whiner? Charged straight in both times and got gutted like a fish while the rest of us weren't idiots and took round about routes and actually made stealth work for us. 2nd match I was tanking their whole team for most the match, cycling my skills as needed and holding off on stuns and such unless their resolve bar was a breath from filling. Cycle your heals while kiting (which is something you can do pretty well as serenity/hatred) and you can be surprised how much that 10% actually can do.

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