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New/Old Targeting Problem.Sniper roll move problem.


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Semms there spreading some kind of targeting problem.Details of this problem are litle unclear for me,since i did not encounter it,or i not remember.

I try describe it best i can. So the targeting problem is that doesnt allow mark friendly or enemy target and make hit the the target.

Mouse click does not alow click to target,tab click not working aswell.


I ve tryed duel player that had this targeting problem,it looked very strange,he just made empty waving hand around me with weapons [he was marauder] and did not hit me,we tryed figure out the problem,sugested options what he should do,seems it did not help,but later he left and i lose contact with him if he succesfully fix the problem.


Few other players mentioned this problem with targeting as well.


Not sure how it could be fixed,if its wrong saved settings in game files,user file game game settings.

So some button quick fix targeting in game settings during gameplay would be fine addition.

Plus make default settings deselect target by clicking on ground,but still able to tick on/off.


Also this this targeting problem been desribed like the game thinking one mouse button is still pressed on,even if its not.


Sniper roll problem.

Not sure now if sniper or operative after do roll move forward they do encounter problem, this roll move can make them stuck to the ground[not sure if its same for smugglers],and if its in warzone,that player must request to be defeated or they cannot move from the place,i suspecting this move is made too quickly,so it would be maded slower roll like 40%[the exact number is up for discussion and testing] it might not stuck players to ground,not sure if its common bug [ i ve encountered it once or twice],but seems its common problem with this roll move in warzone.


Ps:Please not keep us waiting for so long to make repairs. Main problems now - Ancient Threat [secret?] world boss on Yavin 4 is always spawned[ some quests cannot be completed becoz of it],would be nice temporary remove Ancient Threat, and create for it instanced area,so it wont bother anyone,or make it killable by one player.

Legacy achievements are not fixed. :(



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