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eric or somene please respond to your ranked community


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Dear Bioware and fellow PvPer's those who play ranked and those who will play ranked.


According to this:

we are being anally disintegrated and told that no one gives a flying **** about our efforts.


A lot of people, saw the weapons in all previous seasons and came to do season 7 only because of the weapons, because we all have mounts, decos and rest of the crap most of us don't need, i have a SH i never use for example. Color crystal is again not really visible, titles most people don't read or don't know what they mean. Weapons and armor is what made a ranked player stand out from the crowd.


If this information is official, i suggest all of those disappointing write a letter to Bioware and freaking unsub, because i can't make myself log in to this game because of this disappointment.


What are your thoughts?


Would be nice to hear commentary from someone from Bioware?

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Yes, this is overall gone from the game, PVE and PVP top people should be different from the rest!! What happened to Kell Dragon gear?? (sry to mix in PVE to your PVP post).


We want special rewards that are obvious and make people really look at you and ask: Hey where did you get that armor? or weapon?

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Thats so very true, its all Cartel Market now, if you want special armor, buy it for real money using CC, we want stuff that is achieved in game also in PVE!! What good is it if there are 400 ppl in the game that can do NiMs since no one can tell them apart from the common player?


Everyone is Legendary with a shiny mark next to name, thats no effort. Ranked PVP is for example, so are NiM operations, we want rewards in them that make you special! PVP season 1 rewards were a great start, its been going down the drain since then.


P.S.: as a side note i must say that PVP ranked was being very very exploited this season and many people do not deserve the rewards anyway, but for PVE you cannot be exactly carried for some things (when not using crystals) so at least for that special armor and weapon rewards would be nice.

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Thats so very true, its all Cartel Market now, if you want special armor, buy it for real money using CC, we want stuff that is achieved in game also in PVE!! What good is it if there are 400 ppl in the game that can do NiMs since no one can tell them apart from the common player?


Everyone is Legendary with a shiny mark next to name, thats no effort. Ranked PVP is for example, so are NiM operations, we want rewards in them that make you special! PVP season 1 rewards were a great start, its been going down the drain since then.


P.S.: as a side note i must say that PVP ranked was being very very exploited this season and many people do not deserve the rewards anyway, but for PVE you cannot be exactly carried for some things (when not using crystals) so at least for that special armor and weapon rewards would be nice.


But in ranked PvP there are those who suffered through this nightmare... i think they deserve recognition....

And what does datamined mean?

Edited by AlCorazon
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Dear Bioware and fellow PvPer's those who play ranked and those who will play ranked.


According to this:

we are being anally disintegrated and told that no one gives a flying **** about our efforts.


A lot of people, saw the weapons in all previous seasons and came to do season 7 only because of the weapons, because we all have mounts, decos and rest of the crap most of us don't need, i have a SH i never use for example. Color crystal is again not really visible, titles most people don't read or don't know what they mean. Weapons and armor is what made a ranked player stand out from the crowd.


If this information is official, i suggest all of those disappointing write a letter to Bioware and freaking unsub, because i can't make myself log in to this game because of this disappointment.


What are your thoughts?


Would be nice to hear commentary from someone from Bioware?


Eric did an interview where he flat out said you couldn't have cool rewards for ranked seasons because they don't want you to have cool looking stuff that other players won't be able to get.


I'm not making this up.


The guy doing the interview said "That's kind of the point" - which is exactly what probably everyone watching it was thinking. So dude they don't get it. Never have, never will.


I'm actually surprised they didn't release HK-Brontes wings already. I'm sure they are coming.


Things that make sense to a typical MMO player do not cross the minds of this studio's decision makers. I can promise that instead of Operations, we'll see some sort of alternative co-op content type they've dreamed up that will be as useless as Eternal Championship. They don't get how PvE MMO players think, and they are worse with you guys.


Sorry man, but as much as you're right to be annoyed, the studio simply does not understand your point of view.

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