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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Returning player


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What's up everyone?

Old player returning after a long absence.

What's new with the game?


Where are the hubs located now?

Alderaan still have good PVP?

Space game been added yet?


The last time I played was around about the release of Rise of the Hutt Cartel.

How's PVP these days?

End Game?


Focus will primarily be on PVP.

I played a Vig Guardian.

Really enjoyed the play style.

Struggled with the resolve system.

That kind of tarnished my experience last time.


Much new content added?

More Warzones?

Over and out.

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What's up everyone?

Old player returning after a long absence.

What's new with the game?


Where are the hubs located now?

Alderaan still have good PVP?

Space game been added yet?


The last time I played was around about the release of Rise of the Hutt Cartel.

How's PVP these days?

End Game?


Focus will primarily be on PVP.

I played a Vig Guardian.

Really enjoyed the play style.

Struggled with the resolve system.

That kind of tarnished my experience last time.


Much new content added?

More Warzones?

Over and out.


What's new with the game? SoR and KotFE

Where are the hubs located now? Same place it has always been. Fleet

Alderaan still have good PVP? No. OWPvP been dead buried a long time ago.

Space game been added yet? Yes and sucks. Its PvP only. You will spend most of your time getting 1-2 shot; till you can upgrade your ship. Not a lot people play it.

How's PVP these days? Depends on what server you are on.

End Game? Nothing new in 2 years just a rehash of all the old stuff.

Much new content added? For you a lot. For the people that have been playing Not a lot.

More Warzones? For you yes. For the people that have been playing not really.

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What's up everyone?

Old player returning after a long absence.

What's new with the game?


Where are the hubs located now?

Alderaan still have good PVP?

Space game been added yet?


The last time I played was around about the release of Rise of the Hutt Cartel.

How's PVP these days?

End Game?


Focus will primarily be on PVP.

I played a Vig Guardian.

Really enjoyed the play style.

Struggled with the resolve system.

That kind of tarnished my experience last time.


Much new content added?

More Warzones?

Over and out.


Boy do you have a lot to catch up on. Good news is you should be busy for awhile. :D


More good news is it's a LOT easier to earn pvp gear so you should be able to get a ranked (now called advanced) set pretty fast.


Overworld pvp is now in its own seperate instance on each server. This pretty much eliminates Lv 65s ganking lowbies, or tricking people into self-flagging, which made gankers cry a lot and me laugh at them uproariously for it.


Shadow of Revan has been rather well-received and is regarded as the best expansion, even encouraging you to run multiple classes in it by having little epilogues on your class stories. KotFE , however, is a bit-- polarizing.


Galactic Starfighter is pretty widely regarded as a total waste of code.


Guilds now do something called galactic conquest, which lets them earn glory, and the participants earn credits, gathering nodes, and crafting mats. You can earn a lot of points pvping so you might benefit from finding a good guild.


You know have access to strongholds where you can have personal, legacy, and guild bank storage, as well as GTN, mail, crafting table, etc. And decorate with all kinds of goodies you pick up from cartel packs and questing, as well as trophies from FPs, Ops, and pvp kills.

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Overworld pvp is now in its own seperate instance on each server. This pretty much eliminates Lv 65s ganking lowbies, or tricking people into self-flagging, which made gankers cry a lot and me laugh at them uproariously for it.



The open world PvPers in every MMO cry when you destroy their ability to gank. They say they want challenge but when you throw them into an arena they are almost always the first to die. They rarely can fight a prepared opponant.

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