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Rocket Boost broken - activates itself


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Hello. As the the title says, my rocket boost is broken on several of my alts. It activates itself everytime I log in, change instance or enter new area. It's kinda annoying 'cause I have to wait for cooldown everytime. My "research" has shown one thing - it has to do something with the abilty summon random speeder - basically whenever I create new alt I have rocket boost marked as favourite (which is bug 'cause normally you can't mark it..). After some time I have found a workaround with new alts, you have to unmark all speeders as favourite, which clears favourite from rocket boost and then you can mark anything you want, even all, but it won't be possible to mark RB again, so you won't have to worry about the bug, because as soon as you activate the abilty summon random speeder with rocket boost still marked as favourite, your RB will get broken in the same way as mine. Only "good" side of this bug is that if you let your RB marked as favourite, you can use it as a speeder withoun any cooldown via summon random speeder.. That's probably all.. Thx in advance for quick fix.
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That's real strange as we had for months an issue with Rocket Boost being on the favorites list with no way to deselect it. Folks were clicking on the random mount icon, getting rocket boost as their mount and only being able to travel for like 8 seconds.


They fixed it a couple of patches ago and (this is where I find what you;re reporting to be strange) Rocket Boost is no longer able to be clicked/ marked/ chosen as a favorite on the Abilities -> Vehicles panel.


At least I can't mark it as such.

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