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"Survive the skytroopers ambush"


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I play lvl 65 Jedi Knight and I can't beat that part of mission. How to do this? Those Skytroopers are hard to defeat, there are too many of them and there is also this big droid in the middle of the area. I'm really confused, I was trying to defead all skytroopers for an hour now, but they still easily beat SCORPIO, and then me. How to complete this part of mission?
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If you died to many times you must go to medical droid or any other vendor/seller and repair your gear(lower left of the opened window there is an button)


What class do you play?

Is it Chapter Gemini Deception?

Did you started the game from lvl 1 or lvl 60?

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There are some fights that are harder for some classes than others, but I can't really recall any in KotFE that required more than a single try for my Marauder. I generally keep companions on heals and just muscle through any opposition. What I do if there's many adds is try to get some aggro on them before killing by using anything that hits several of them. I'll often use both the jump and rush moves to hit several groups so they focus on me. Once they ignore my comp I can blow them down one by one.


Killing non-elites first is usually the best approach as they die easiest. That will take a lot of pressure off you and your companion.

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Which discipline is your Guardian? I may have to spend tonight cranking my Guardian through Chapters X and on so I can try this.

I need to start a new thread where I apologise for my dismissive attitude about the characteristics of the foes in Chapter X. It is a very different experience on a Vigi Guardian than on either a Gunnery Commando OR a Lightning Sorc.

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Which discipline is your Guardian? I may have to spend tonight cranking my Guardian through Chapters X and on so I can try this.

OK, I finally did Chapter XV on my Guardian, and here's the deal:

  • Vigilance Guardian, level 65.
  • Gear is mostly 208 but 190-blues on the legs, crafted 200-blue relics (Focused Retribution and Serendipitous Doodah), 208/200/200 on her weapon.
  • No augments.
  • Senya is rank 6.
  • Scorpio is rank 3.

I actually died fighting the GEMINI Captain, but that was because I fumbled the first try. The second try went very smoothly.


As usual, the following points apply to this one (one of the points is slightly spoilerish):


  • Ignore the mechanics during the Skytrooper Constructor fight. Just beat on him until he dies. (Yes, thin the crowd of adds, but don't sweat it.)
  • Quickly find and hit the "true" Captain among the decoys. It's easier than that makes it sound: the decoys all have the same health percentage on their bars, but that percentage is not equal to the one on the Captain's bar.


And that's all that's remotely interesting about it.

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  • 7 years later...

my strategy was:

after dying and reviving, i snuck immediately left to the skytroopers and took out 3/4 of them, then attacked the large dude.

so relieved, this was like my 20th try lol

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