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Guild interface improvements


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Yeah, this will be all about guilds. First of all, guys, you have my deepest gratitude for the legacy column in guild window, it helps a ton to have it. Don't stop there yet, I'll tell you what is still missing and desperately needed in the guild interface, yes.


(1) We need a history of Join-Leave with DateJoin-DateLeave-Name-Legacy-EditableGMNote fields. It is a pain to keep all that in Excel, besides when a guy joins, grabs some stuff from the guild Cargo Bay and immediately leaves you sometimes just don't have time to check and write down his legacy name so that everyone would know never to accept his toons again.


(2) Credit ledger of a player should have an additional column that would show his total contribution to the guild, apart from the recent two weeks.


(3) All guild permissions (I mean all of them, that includes permissions on the Guild Rank screen, permissions on the Guild Cargo Bay vaults, the Stronghold and Guildship keys, and the right to move the Guild ship and the right to summon via Guild ship) could be moved to one comprehensive screen and all permissions could be tied to guild rank. That would make a single screen for setting permissions. The task of giving out a specific set of permissions would thus be reduced to assigning the proper rank and configuring it.


(4) Guild bank Item deposit-withdrawal history could be more useful if it were limited by time rather than number of lines. personally I would be glad to see the last year or 6 mo at least. Ideally the history could be kept indefinitely and be downloadable to cvs or excel. Yes and the vaults should have significantly more cells per one tab, the tabs could be scrollable probably.


(5) On second thought, the right to use flagship summon could be separated from the right to access guild funds. As of now permission to use flagship summon is sometimes abused when a new guild member grabs his weekly limit for summons from the guild bank and quits. Also the right to move the guild ship could be separated from the gold key allowing to invtie/kick and decorate.


(6) Mass mailing via the guild list should be available for the GM at the very least. Ideally this should be a function configurable via a permit/deny box in guild ranks so that it could be delegated to officers. As of now mailing 30-40 guild members is a pain in the *** because of the antispam delay.


Thank you for your attention

Edited by merera
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