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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Make GTN sales last 30 days


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It would be interesting to see what kind of impact it would have on the market. Sometimes as a buyer, it's really difficult to get a grasp on what kind of pricing you're looking at for an item because everything is expiring and being listed, or relisted, so often.


It also makes it more difficult to price realistically as a seller because it's near impossible to tell sometimes whether something being sold at price X disappeared because it was bought, or because it expired.


Not to mention the difficulty of wanting to buy something that is being sold at price X, but you can't quite afford it right now and by the time you can afford it, it might have expired, but then you might not be 100% sure whether it expired or was bought and if it did expire, the person might not relist it at all, so now you have to wait for someone else to relist the item and hope that they choose a price in the same range, or lower.

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If you want to play the GTN then you play the GTN. It's not as easy as people think it is, you have to constantly be on top of prices if you want to be successful.


But let's say it's 30 days, you list something for 10-million and then come back in 4 weeks and wonder why it hasn't sold. Then you look at the new pricing is down to 4-million and then come back here and post something like "GTN sux Biofail make pricing adjust automatically and other stuffs so I can has lazee".


It's fine the way it is. Playing the GTN takes commitment and time and that's ok.

Edited by PetFish
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It's fine the way it is. Playing the GTN takes commitment and time and that's ok.


Well, you speak for yourself.


It's 30 days in another game I play and that's fine. It's not like you can't retrieve and relist.


I happen to LOVE the GTN game BUT it's so time consuming - even with just one crafter of each - that it alone makes my gaming time a churn at the expense of IRL.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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30 days seem far too long. But giving us the option (note, I said option) to leave sales up for a week shouldn't be too devastating to the economy. I'm, at best, a casual player of the GTN. All I really do is GTN gear drops I acquire while running alts. It'd be nice to only have to repost once every seven days. Like ... "Hey, it's Thursday! Let's see if the GTN Sprite left me any credits in my mailbox."


As for the MMO that allows 30-day auctions, do they also return your deposit if the item goes unsold? Just curious.

Edited by Thoronmir
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30 days seem far too long.


I have to agree that 30 days is too long. 7 would be nice. I fall into the "I have hundreds of items listed" category and it takes about 2 hours to run through all of the minions to relist items. Takes more time to split up stacks actually than to list the items.


As for the MMO that allows 30-day auctions, do they also return your deposit if the item goes unsold? Just curious.


I believe so. EVE is like that. (I think you can list up to 365 days now that I think about it.) Been over a year since I played it and I don't recall losing my deposits.

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If you want to play the GTN then you play the GTN. It's not as easy as people think it is, you have to constantly be on top of prices if you want to be successful.


But let's say it's 30 days, you list something for 10-million and then come back in 4 weeks and wonder why it hasn't sold. Then you look at the new pricing is down to 4-million and then come back here and post something like "GTN sux Biofail make pricing adjust automatically and other stuffs so I can has lazee".


It's fine the way it is. Playing the GTN takes commitment and time and that's ok.


100% agree.


One thing I love about this MMO is that you actually have to pay attention and play well when playing the market on the GTN. No addons that dummy everything down, low costs to list, reasonable commission rates on sales, refund if not sold, no long term listings, and no bidding... either buy or don't buy.

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I really don't want this for three main reasons --


* My auctions only go a day or two before someone under-prices me. There's no point in leaving it there 30 days when it's not going to be bought.


* If I end an auction early, I'm out the deposit. I want to be able to adjust my auctions fairly often without paying.


* It already takes several days or a couple of weeks for new items to settle down in the GTN with their mid-term prices. We would be waiting months for this if the auctions were 30 days long. This would hurt the economy.

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30 days seems a bit excessive and not that useful, unless.... people would use it to sell stuff they don't bother posting anymore.


7 days would already be an improvement.


Though what would really improve GTN management is:

  1. Automatically one button repost at the last price
  2. Check box to automatically undercut lowest seller by say 5%
  3. Switching to search while having an item parsed in the selling window would automatically search for that very item.


Reposting items is indeed a pain, more like a work than a fun mechanism.


And if we can really ask a real bidding AH with a proxy feature.

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30 days seems a bit excessive and not that useful, unless.... people would use it to sell stuff they don't bother posting anymore.


7 days would already be an improvement.


Though what would really improve GTN management is:

  1. Automatically one button repost at the last price
  2. Check box to automatically undercut lowest seller by say 5%
  3. Switching to search while having an item parsed in the selling window would automatically search for that very item.


Reposting items is indeed a pain, more like a work than a fun mechanism.


And if we can really ask a real bidding AH with a proxy feature.


I like that!


Too bad we can't add a poll...

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30 days seems a bit excessive and not that useful, unless.... people would use it to sell stuff they don't bother posting anymore.


7 days would already be an improvement.


Though what would really improve GTN management is:

  1. Automatically one button repost at the last price
  2. Check box to automatically undercut lowest seller by say 5%
  3. Switching to search while having an item parsed in the selling window would automatically search for that very item.


And if we can really ask a real bidding AH with a proxy feature.



Your Wow cap is showing. :)


I detest automated features like "automatically undercutting lowest seller by 5%". It dumbs down the GTN to absurd levels as everyone simply wants an addon-enhanced sort of selling, rather then actually learning and adapting to the market using ...... of all things.. your mind. Imagine the effects of a 30 day listing window, with automated undercutting. It would be a fiasco.


Playing the GTN is a minigame within the game. Learn it, play it well, or find something else to mini-game IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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Your Wow cap is showing. :)


I detest automated features like "automatically undercutting lowest seller by 5%". It dumbs down the GTN to absurd levels as everyone simply wants an addon-enhanced sort of selling, rather then actually learning and adapting to the market using ...... of all things.. your mind. Imagine the effects of a 30 day listing window, with automated undercutting. It would be a fiasco.


Playing the GTN is a minigame within the game. Learn it, play it well, or find something else to mini-game IMO.


Didn't see that auto -5%, bad indeed


Rest is perfect.

Edited by BenduKundalini
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If you want to play the GTN then you play the GTN. It's not as easy as people think it is, you have to constantly be on top of prices if you want to be successful.


It's fine the way it is. Playing the GTN takes commitment and time and that's ok.


You might be shocked to discover that not everyone "plays the GTN", some of us just want to list stuff for sale...


There is actually a lot of things that AREN'T listed on the GTN because they are slow sellers and not worth the time. You'd get more items total for sale with a longer listing time, including odd items that a few people may want but not enough to bother listing them for...

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Your Wow cap is showing. :)


I detest automated features like "automatically undercutting lowest seller by 5%". It dumbs down the GTN to absurd levels as everyone simply wants an addon-enhanced sort of selling, rather then actually learning and adapting to the market using ...... of all things.. your mind. Imagine the effects of a 30 day listing window, with automated undercutting. It would be a fiasco.


Playing the GTN is a minigame within the game. Learn it, play it well, or find something else to mini-game IMO.

I don't agree with a 5% auto undercut feature either, but it's not as though people don't already do it on their own. There's more to the GTN than "playing it like a mini-game," BTW. Some of us just want to use it, with basic, user friendly functionality, as a way to buy and sell items. We don't want to pull out an excel spreadsheet and a calculator. Also, the arrogance of people who say this kind of stuff about playing the market never ceases to amaze me, considering that if everyone played the GTN like they do, no one would be profiting greatly. The more people trying to do it, the more profit is diluted. That's how a zero-sum-game system works... if you play the GTN like a harp regularly, you're actually making things harder for yourself by suggesting more people do it.


That said, increasing sale duration to 30 days is way too long IMO, but a few more days is not going to be a fiasco. I can't say with confidence whether its benefits would outweigh detractors, but it certainly wouldn't be the end of the world. At worst it would disrupt the patterns of those who play the GTN and maybe makes things a bit easier for casual sellers... but I know that's a horrifying prospect for those who play the GTN religiously.

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Some of us have better things to do...


Yes, some of us do, and we choose how we spend our time playing SWTOR. People that choose to spend their time playing the GTN will play the GTN. I don't spend my time playing ranked PvP but maybe I should get the same rewards cuz I have better things to do.



You might be shocked to discover that not everyone "plays the GTN", some of us just want to list stuff for sale...


In this case someone complaining cuz they have SO much stuff to sell via crafting and whatever then it's not just a case of "want to list stuff for sale" and they are clearly "playing the GTN".


If you only want to casually use the GTN then there's nothing else to say, but if you want to actually "play the GTN" then you have to take the time to do so, it's just another aspect of the game that you either choose to invest time and effort in or not.

Edited by PetFish
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It dumbs down the GTN to absurd levels as everyone simply wants an addon-enhanced sort of selling, rather then actually learning and adapting to the market using ...... of all things.. your mind. Imagine the effects of a 30 day listing window, with automated undercutting. It would be a fiasco.


Playing the GTN is a minigame within the game. Learn it, play it well, or find something else to mini-game IMO.


Yep, the GTN is just another facet of SWTOR that people can choose to play or not. To be good at something requires some level of time and effort and this is no different. Once I started actually "playing the GTN" it's quite fun and lucrative but you have to stay on top of it to be successful just like any other aspect of the game.

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Playing the GTN is a minigame within the game. Learn it, play it well, or find something else to mini-game IMO.


And it's something you have to learn yourself. Yes, there are guides and tutorials but to really make the millions, you have to give it some thought and study.


edit: Another thought is how the GTN helps folks. I still list my green drops even though we've had folks complain about how they're no longer making any money doing so. Folks are still buying the stuff. (There's about a 20-25% sell rate) If you give it some thought, the folks buying the items are either 1) short on cash, 2) can't craft for whatever reason and/or 3) clueless about how gear works or how to get better gear. I'd like to think that I'm being helpful to those players.

Edited by dr_mike
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