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Shining in darkness


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Hey guys, got some question about the end of Alliance mission alert: "Shining in darkness", in which you have to recruit Languss Tuno. So when you finish mission Sana Rae tells you that Guss "Force master" is someone very powerful as he could see her while she was seeing him in her visions and this happened first time to her. So it's really strange, as Force master himself tells you, that he had never been even knighted as a jedi, so how he is able to intefere in mystics vision? Any guesses who is this guy, who says, that we can call him Isaac?
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From what I remember of the dialog I saw with him, it sounded like he did have some training with the Jedi enough to know their methods weren't working for him. Just because he didn't go through the standard Jedi way of progression doesn't exclude him from finding what worked for him and still being highly skilled in the Force enough to observe another Force user's visions.
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