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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companion buff question


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Do I have to reach max influence with a companion to get the companion buff (1% accuracy, %critical,...)? How do I know when I've received that buff? Are there any additional buffs for getting max influence? I'm playing JK and when I look at my legacy screen I can see portraits for human and five of my companions filled in. Thanks
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You only have to do companion storyline + all the missions (if available) related to companion. This doesn't include recruitment quest in KotFE. Only the story that is running along side your own class story from 10 to 50.


If companion is showing up in Legacy window (Imperial/Republic classes tabs) you have finished the story at least once and you already have the buff. You can only get the buff once for every category.

Edited by Halinalle
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