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Malgus New Empire vs. Eternal Empire


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So granted this is pretty open shut case, but I want to hear your guys thoughts on it. What if Malgus was successful with his New Empire and he took on the the Eternal Empire? Would he stand a chance or do you think it would end up like the republic and sith? He had the schism collective which upgraded HK-47, had a stealth armada and can have fleets built in a day (according to Arkis Wode). How would he fare against Valkorian and his princes? I want to hear everybody's take on it.
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That depends if he would have enough troops and armada to handle the full strengh of the Eternal Fleet,the problem is that after decades of war the galaxy basically was getting to it's stranding limit.With both factions killing each other while dealing with 3rd factions(The Hutt Cartel trying to play empire,The Dread War,Revan Reborn)I'm actually surprised there wasn't a second treaty of Coruscant,but then again we all know how that turned out to totally not be a trap.
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