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Jaesa Willsaam - wish they had spent more time with her


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What I've seen of DS Jaesa's been on youtube and how they've written her that way I just can't bring myself to do a playthrough. Maybe because I used to be a 911 operator and burnt out on that I'm just too aware of exactly how awful people can be to each other in reality that seeing that sort of stuff in a game I do for fun is just not my thing at all. For the same reason I can't really do a full Renegade run with the Mass Effect franchise or take the ruthless choices like killing the Mabari in Dragon Age. I know for the games none of it's real and it's all just fantasy but it is what it is for me.


I don't disdain all DS choices, when I've not been going on a all or nothing alignment run, my characters end up either neutral or Light/Dark 1 if I just go with the choices that feel right to me and the character. With a LS Jaesa, I see it as helping her shape her worldview to something more realistically sensible. Yeah, it's still following the LS ideals she has, but it's not going along the restrictive path of the Jedi and hopefully allows her to find her own path like Ashara does with the Inquisitor.

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