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KOTFE Storyline Q


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Being in the Republic or the Empire has no real influence on the story itself, since the Alliance you are forging is neither Republic or Empire. That being said, I would go Empire first if only because most of main characters you recruit are companions from imperial characters.


Which is a bummer for me, republican player...

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Being in the Republic or the Empire has no real influence on the story itself, since the Alliance you are forging is neither Republic or Empire. That being said, I would go Empire first if only because most of main characters you recruit are companions from imperial characters.


Which is a bummer for me, republican player...



Ok, from SoR the main confusion was it from the IMP side it acts as though you already know who Satele Shan's son is and just jumps you in, but the pub side gives more explanation, and Lana requires no introduction really

Edited by BlitzJG
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Ok, from SoR the main confusion was it from the IMP side it acts as though you already know who Satele Shan's son is and just jumps you in, but the pub side gives more explanation, and Niko requires no introduction really

More like that nobody who *knows* wants to discuss it with some filthy Imperial :eek:;):D , so it ends up just coming out in passing, as it were. And "Niko"? Who is that in SoR?

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Someone on another board suggested this though regarding KOTFE:


"If you have a Jedi Knight, I'd recommend doing KOTFE with that character as it makes the most sense for that class."

I found it slightly odd, but not irretrievably so, on a trooper and a smuggler, and quite reasonable on an Inquisitor. Certainly I wouldn't say that the JK was more well-suited to the story than the SI.


So far, I've done Chapters I to IX on SI, JK, Trooper, Smuggler, and the story was believable (if a little stretched in places) on all four. In the end, it is only really Chapters II and XII that contain drastic weirdness for classes that don't use the Force. It's a shame that XII is really important for the story (even if the weapon appears to be unnecessary).


EDIT: I'd also say that there is a large element of something I've alluded to before, a universal characteristic feature of our interactions with any software(1) RPG, whether online or offline. That feature is the obligation on the player to play a role. In some RPGs, the role we must play is relatively tightly constrained by the scenario, and this is true sometimes even of MMORPGs. If, for example, you want to follow the main story of Guild Wars 1's Nightfall campaign, you have to take the role of a rising-star member of the Sunspears (a military organisation).


The game writers must provide us with storytelling material and, ideally, with flexibility in how we interact with it, so that we can craft our own story in their world. They must provide the material, but the obligation to shape it into an interesting story lies with us.


So if we find that the story is poorly matched for class A or that it is best-suited to class B, that arguably says as much about us as players and story-shapers as it does about Bioware as story-writers.


EDIT: again.


(1) Arguably, the same can be said of paper RPGs as well.

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Someone on another board suggested this though regarding KOTFE:


"If you have a Jedi Knight, I'd recommend doing KOTFE with that character as it makes the most sense for that class."


I have heard this as well, but I think the Inquisitor (SI) class makes a great deal of sense.


First off, I feel bad for the non-force users for KOTFE. The storyline would make no sense, not fighting the ultra-powerful Arcann nor the lessons learned from Marr and Shan.


The Ghost-binding aspects of the SI story make the internal battle with Valkorian much more interesting, that and building the Alliance is similar to building your power base, the class story mirrors KOTFE nicely, in my opinion.

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The Jedi Knight is the person Scourge, the former Emperors Wrath, saw in his vision that would someday defeat the Emperor and be crowned as Emperor. Also, the emperor is the main villian in the Jedi Knight story from beginning to finish pretty much. the Jedi Knight story is KOTOR 3.


The story is also about the philosophy of the force. Our character is confronted with a new philosophy, and the story revolves around our character embracing or rejecting it. A conflict that really makes any sense as a force user.

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