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Darth Marr/SI SOR


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Aside from what happens in KOTFE, and the fact he's in a full body mask pretty much, it's almost a shame that the SI cannot romance Marr. Anyone else agree? Either way, I've got mad respect for Marr. He's probably one of my fav characters.


It may have been my choices at the end of SOR, but Marr ends saying that you're the only one that he can trust in the entire galaxy. Sadly, that's probably the most romantic thing said to the female SI who has a husband who talks incessantly about leaving and

Lana or Theron breaking up with you too to focus on their respective careers. Lana's excuse is such a cop out really. My SI was totally not petty in telling Marr that she didn't think Lana was suitable for the job. ;)


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Hum,...yeah no way lol


I always found him scary lol


add to that , buahaha ...ya shouldve seen the dialogues I got from him . He almost jumped over the table when talking to my Jedi consular who was so zen lol and I was expecting that reaction toward my JK ..but nope . Maybe he doesn't like broccoli ? (she is a merilian) .


And my Sith Inquisitor told him that she didn't care for the empire and he had his hands fulls..and he just fumed...I swear I saw smoke coming from under that Helmet :D


The only one he got along with was my Sith Warrior . Although he was a bit arrogant..but I let it slide .


Oh one nice comment was for my Bounty Hunter who when you find that crazy Guy on Yavin 4 , and you tell him to let Satele introggate him...he goes all like ''Remember Hunter who is giving you pay check!'' :p


My agent was full DS and hated the Sith with a passion...I still have to do Shadow of revan with her , should be Interesting , since Marr offert you full ID and access if you pledge yourself to the cause .

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Bwahahaha, omg! Those are some funny moments. My SI ended up being very strong pro empire/then pro alliance and he stood up for her place on the dark council, due to conversation choices. I've even taken the Satele interrogation options on both my SI and my SW and he was cool with it, respecting them and their decision. I don't recall him being very cool with my Agent/SIS double agent though. She basically sassed him and even told him she could disregard Sith orders in the future. :eek: he put her in her place with a "you will listen and respect the Sith/Lana as Minister...pretty sure an if you want to live silent warning followed." :p


Now my Jedi Knight...haha Theron was even scared for her. :p I blame Satele for his mad hatred. heh. I may have to play a very zen Consular next.

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while Jedi consular story (at least in chapter 2) Is Sooo boring . It's interesting to see a JC get lot of dissaproval from the companions , cose you won't high five them and friend them on facenuke lol


I played my JC as that selfless jeeday ready to die for the cause and apparently all the companion find her glow blinding...so I just kept getting small -10 -4 -5 -6 lol


I have 5 Sith Sorc and they are all DS...wannabe next emprore wanna eat the galaxy and muahahahaha cose I can . I play her as the perfect sociopath who is highly paranoiac and everyone is expandable . she has no calm about ditching , lying and killing to get what she want . So she would come in full rivalery with Marr since he is very Loyal and love the Empire with a passion . She is by all mean what he hate the most , an unpredictable crazy loonie that wanna kill everything and wouldn't lift a finger unless it suit her fancy lol .


Oh yeah , I have an Agent-SIS.....kinda dissapointed you can do that but the option wasn't worked on more .


Liked the differene between Lana (my chosen Li :o) and Theron . Theron is all nervous about Marr pacing lol I swear I could hear him sweat lol .


And Lana is all paranoiac going ''Theron is glaring at meh...psst...did you hear me? what did I do ?' LOL

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Btw if you haven't done a Sith Inquisitor DS all psycho like mine , I highly recommand it . Especially if you like Marr..


cose the dialogue with him is taunting . You are really........getting on his last nerve and pulling the string . I swear , if he didn't have a helmet..we can see that veine ready to Pop! :D


It's pretty much like lol



Sorc just killed Tetanos and walk over her chair..

Sorc: now that I'm here , you are all next !

Marr: you will find us quiet a challenge....child .

Sorc: wanna give it a try ? right here right now! Let's do this!

Marr: *Irritated like hell*..I don't have time ! roll the damn credits already!


Marr: The Empire is losing the fight , this mission is critical for our survival (Makeb)

Sorc: yeah rightttt...you just wanna get ride of meh! admit it! you wanna kill me , and leave my perfect body down there to rot !

Marr: (you can see the veine start to grow manga style) Grrr..no , the empire NEED YOU..I Need YOU!

Sorc: I'm a dark member of the council too , so *Stick tongue out * you can't touch meh! full membership babeh!

Marr: I'm gonna Arghhhhh *make strangling mention*...urgh..just get going.......


on Yavin , end of SOR..


Marr: The Emprore..blahblahblah...

Sorc: (picking at her ear and barely paying attention)

Marr: Together we will face tha Emprore...*dramatic pause*...

Sorc: Wanna fight now ?

Marr: what?!? no! emprore...futur..Our futur..

Sorc: boring...call me when ya wanna fight . Oh and Good luck saving the empire...well what will be left of it once I'm done with it . *evil smile*

Marr: *background scream*


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Btw if you haven't done a Sith Inquisitor DS all psycho like mine , I highly recommand it . Especially if you like Marr..


cose the dialogue with him is taunting . You are really........getting on his last nerve and pulling the string . I swear , if he didn't have a helmet..we can see that veine ready to Pop! :D


It's pretty much like lol



Sorc just killed Tetanos and walk over her chair..

Sorc: now that I'm here , you are all next !

Marr: you will find us quiet a challenge....child .

Sorc: wanna give it a try ? right here right now! Let's do this!

Marr: *Irritated like hell*..I don't have time ! roll the damn credits already!


Marr: The Empire is losing the fight , this mission is critical for our survival (Makeb)

Sorc: yeah rightttt...you just wanna get ride of meh! admit it! you wanna kill me , and leave my perfect body down there to rot !

Marr: (you can see the veine start to grow manga style) Grrr..no , the empire NEED YOU..I Need YOU!

Sorc: I'm a dark member of the council too , so *Stick tongue out * you can't touch meh! full membership babeh!

Marr: I'm gonna Arghhhhh *make strangling mention*...urgh..just get going.......


on Yavin , end of SOR..


Marr: The Emprore..blahblahblah...

Sorc: (picking at her ear and barely paying attention)

Marr: Together we will face tha Emprore...*dramatic pause*...

Sorc: Wanna fight now ?

Marr: what?!? no! emprore...futur..Our futur..

Sorc: boring...call me when ya wanna fight . Oh and Good luck saving the empire...well what will be left of it once I'm done with it . *evil smile*

Marr: *background scream*


OMG! That is truly hilarious! Love it! My SI is only Dark 1 so I may have to make a full DS one. I did skip over Makeb this time...may go back and pick it up sometime. My Sith Warrior was a little bit intimidated by him on Makeb so she just threatened/killed everything that prevented her from getting what he wanted then offered him a nice, free slate of a planet in the end. :D Might have to go with the sociopath sometime though. That would be hilarious.

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I found out that a sith warrior is better played as a Light side . You make all the Jeeday come off as idiot lol


and Sith Sorc beg for that dark side run lol just turn off the change , or she look like zombie by end game lol .


P.S: just wanna add one more thing , if you do end up making a Sith Inquisitor DS , remember to pick all the options that are very self centered . One instance is when you do corellia main Story (yes its boring but so worth it) and pick the ''Talk about awesome Me'' option in the dialogue wheel...Its Priceless ! You don't want to miss the speech she will make lol Oh and do remember that you can Kill Harkun Later in the game (when you pick your last companion back on Korriban) .


P.S: and yes don't skip Makeb . A sith Sorc is perfect for the setting of '''Makeb is going to hell and you are zapping peoples around for them to bow to you. End of the world ? who cares..Bow to meh! '' LOL

Edited by SerraShar
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Aside from what happens in KOTFE, and the fact he's in a full body mask pretty much, it's almost a shame that the SI cannot romance Marr. Anyone else agree? Either way, I've got mad respect for Marr. He's probably one of my fav characters.


It may have been my choices at the end of SOR, but Marr ends saying that you're the only one that he can trust in the entire galaxy. Sadly, that's probably the most romantic thing said to the female SI who has a husband who talks incessantly about leaving and

Lana or Theron breaking up with you too to focus on their respective careers. Lana's excuse is such a cop out really. My SI was totally not petty in telling Marr that she didn't think Lana was suitable for the job. ;)


Absolutely. Darth Marr was my favorite KOTOR/TOR era character and was devastated when I lost him. But it made sense given his character. He would never bow or allow the Empire to submit to the Eternal Empire, he would have fought to the bitter end. For the story to progress as it has, he would have needed to die or have his character betray all his values and warrior instincts.

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Darth Marr is probably the one npc who is most involved in our characters but no one can romance him because...


his romance arc is locked on Satele


Now it all makes sense.

The one person in the galaxy who is his equal, and if you try to flirt with her she immediately shoots you down. It's all because her ghost boyfriend is standing right there listening the whole time! :D


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