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Character Texture flickering


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New drivers have been updated and the problem still hasn't been resolved. I am a founder and been a subscriber ever since Launch Day. I have not been able to play the game since this issue started. It's going on for nearly two weeks.


If it is nVida's problem, Bioware needs to put pressure on them to fix it. If it is Bioware's problem, they need to patch it... like now. Rolling back patches is not a solution when systems are updated automatically and some people do not have permissions to do so.


Regardless of where the blame is, the problem needs to be resolved soon. I'd hate to have to unsubscribe from a game I love.

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Just set shadow resolution to 1024 , i have all other setting on high/ultra high except that scaler with the latest drivers on a 970GTX


Thanks for the advice, gave that a try but didn't make a difference for me. What did work was to set Shader Complexity to "Very Low". Makes the detail much more boring, but no migraine and I can play, so all good :)


In case it makes a difference, my card is a 660 ti, thanks again for putting me on the right track...

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