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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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Hi this may be a bit far fetched but do you think it would be a good i dea if like depending on your alignment you would get abilities suited to it. For example if a dark side jedi consular reached tier 2 dark side he could replace his projection with a weak force shock. Same goes to a light sith inquisitor; they get projection at light 2 instead of shock. Just an idea feedback would be nice
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This would destroy the looks of the classes. Just because you are dark or light doesn't mean you suddenly know how to use the other side's abilities. The process to produce force lightning is far different than the process to throw stones fast enough to peal away your enemy's skin.


Now the Bioware/EA explanation is simple, they want the classes to feel distinct, otherwise there would be even less of a reason to ever play both classes.


I would actually say killing by lightning is actually more humane (and faster) than taking hundreds of tiny pebbles and shoot them like a shotgun over and over and over again at someone... cutting them, tearing flesh, cracking and breaking bones...all things someone can easily live through.


Honestly the various cut scene options of the sorc torturing people with force lightning is actually a HORRIBLE idea for a sith that wants to hear screams. If you can SEE the electrical arcs that easily the voltage and amperage would be so high that your torture would last 3-4 seconds before instantly stopping the person's heart if not outright causing it to explode. To lower it to the point of only causing minor harm, you would never see it, and would barely hear the electrical crackling.


Honestly the consular skill set is capable of far more terrible things when you think about it.

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