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Star wars 7 disapointing


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10. Was just mainly rambling. Prequels failed as films, the EU was over-bloated and practically collapsing in on itself so not like we lost much.




I'm not going to post on this again. Its been made more than clear that I hated this film and felt it was a huge disappointment. You are clearly one of those fans who will shred the old EU many of us spent 20 plus years enjoying (at least parts of) as well as destroying the prequels but giving this movie (which was worse) a pass. I do not care what you say, you are wrong about Episode 3. Campy in places as it was, the film was darker, had more action, had better saber fights, and gave fans a lot of what they'd been screaming about over the course of the previous two films. Furthermore, there are a dozen or more old EU stories that would have made for a better Episode 7 than what we got, such as the Thrawn trilogy. I dare you to argue against that.


I will never understand your logic about this film and MANY of your counter points that gave it a pass were flimsy at best, while others were understandable. If Ray ends up being a Skywalker no one will be surprised, and that would be a waste of a plot. Everyone would see it coming a million miles away, compared to Vader's reveal to be Luke's father. THAT is how epic twists are done. Ultimately, I guess it takes all kinds. Enjoy this new generation star wars ****. Good day sir!

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10. Was just mainly rambling. Prequels failed as films, the EU was over-bloated and practically collapsing in on itself so not like we lost much.



I'm not going to post on this again. Its been made more than clear that I hated this film and felt it was a huge disappointment. You are clearly one of those fans who will shred the old EU many of us spent 20 plus years enjoying (at least parts of) as well as destroying the prequels but giving this movie (which was worse) a pass. I do not care what you say, you are wrong about Episode 3. Campy in places as it was, the film was darker, had more action, had better saber fights, and gave fans a lot of what they'd been screaming about over the course of the previous two films. Furthermore, there are a dozen or more old EU stories that would have made for a better Episode 7 than what we got, such as the Thrawn trilogy. I dare you to argue against that.


I will never understand your logic about this film and MANY of your counter points that gave it a pass were flimsy at best, while others were understandable. If Ray ends up being a Skywalker no one will be surprised, and that would be a waste of a plot. Everyone would see it coming a million miles away, compared to Vader's reveal to be Luke's father. THAT is how epic twists are done. Ultimately, I guess it takes all kinds. Enjoy this new generation star wars ****. Good day sir!


A few things you need to realize, number 1 being don't assume. You make an *** out of yourself. I don't hate the Prequels either, but can agree that as films, they universally failed. I mean, it's been analyzed front to back by actual film critics, people that have studied film and cinematography for years. And while I don't always put much stock into critics, as their reviews are just glorified opinions, when they're in near total agreement of a subject, there's probably merit to their belief. I used to enjoy the prequels as well... till I turned 13.


In regards to Thrawn, that's easy. It wouldn't have fit with the rest of the story as it's not a Skywalker focused story. I don't think you realize that when I say Star Wars has always been about the Skywalkers, it quite literally means that, and that's what Lucas always wanted to focus on. You dared, and I took the dare. Make them a little harder next time is all I ask. I dare you to try to fit in a Thrawn story and somehow make it relevant to anything that happened regarding Anakin or Luke. And to the rest of the EU? Please, a dozen good EU stories? Not likely. The thing with EU fans is they like to act as if the EU was bigger than it actually was. It was never integral to the story, never made much money or else LucasArts would've actually pursued it for more content. The EU just turned into DBZ-lite. Over the top ridiculousness. And this is coming from someone who's favorite Star Wars piece(Kotor 2) came from the EU. It had it's moments, but other than that it was a stagnant beast with nothing else really going for it that deserved a reboot.


2. Again, your voice is not a universal law. You simply do not get to state something as objectively better or worse simply because of what you feel personally. When you can factually tell me that TFA is just such a terrible film, according to you, then maybe there will be merit to what you say. Until then, you'll just be an anti-hype, closeted Prequel fanboy who, after years of having your favorite Star Wars film of all time scrutinized, finally got something you thought would give you the ability to divert the hate from your favorite film and unto another. That clearly didn't work, did it? Considering critics and audience alike have praised the film.


3. Nice ad hominem. You raised points, primarily strawman but points nonetheless. I countered them with my own. So your immediate response is to describe them in broad stroke terms like "flimsy," saying "oh I don't understand that!" and discarding them instead of touching on any of them? Getting upset over an anonymous Internet figure's differing opinion? Don't go out much, you might be debilitating to your environment with that attitude. You might *gasp* come across someone with a different opinion! Your "points" amount to millennial drivel, something I expect from my peers. "darker, better action, better lightsaber fights!!!11!11!" seriously? I wonder if you think the Transformers films were quality films as well. Anyway, have a day. I don't much care if it's good or not. It's good that you don't post here again, you might waste more of my time devolving debates into petty, high school arguments.

Edited by Sage_of_Battle
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