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Star wars 7 disapointing


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I don't know what about you guys but I was quite disappointed in the star wars 7 the force awakens I loved the original trilogy and I also loved the prequels but the sw7 was nothing near them for example I'm a huge sith fanatic an in the other movies we got awesome ****** guys like Darth Vader and sidious but here nothing what we got is a foul child whit a cheap copy of a ancient lightsaber an the story was way more boring than the others for example in sw3 the action and the combination of a quite good story I know that the originals had better story but the prequels we're good as well but sw7 had nighter good story nighter awesome lightsaber choreography like everyone says Disney ruined the star wars what George Lucas created I feel that way about sw 7 and I doubt that the other movies were gonna be good too I think that for example the bobafett movie will be disaster because Disney want to bring back the old awesome characters like Darth maul but the just ruined his story as well when they bring him back just he lost his coolness and the same will be whit boba or Darth Vader in rogue one this is my opinion about Disney and that they will ruin the star wars universe and I think a lot of star wars 7 funs are kids who doesn't even saw the prequels or the original story
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Can someone translate this to readable English?

I'll give it a shot, why not:

I don't know about you guys, but I was quite disappointed in Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. I loved the original trilogy, and I also loved the prequels, but Episode VII was nowhere near as good as those movies.


For one thing, I'm a huge Sith fanatic, and in the other movies we got awesome, bad-*** characters like Darth Vader and Sidious. But here? Nothing! What we got instead was a foul child with a cheap copy of an ancient lightsaber.


Also, the story was much more boring than the other movies. For example, Episode III had great action combined with a story that was also quite good. I know that the original trilogy had better stories than the prequels, but the prequels were still good as well. However, Episode VII had neither a good story nor the awesome lightsaber choreography we saw in the prequels.


Like everyone says, Disney ruined the Star Wars that George Lucas created. That is how I feel about Episode VII, and I doubt that the other Disney movies are going to be any good, either.


I think that the Boba Fett movie will be a disaster because Disney only wants to bring back the old, awesome characters like Darth Maul. But when they brought Maul back, that just ruined his story - he just lost his coolness. The same thing will happen with Boba Fett in his stand-alone movie, or with Darth Vader in Rogue One.


This is my opinion about Disney: they will ruin the Star Wars universe. I think a lot of Episode VII's fans are just kids who haven't even seen the prequels or the original trilogy.


...yeah, I pretty much disagree with everything he said, regardless of its legibility.

Edited by DarthDymond
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"Awesome action in the prequels" Yeah the over choreographed lightsaber duels more akin to a dance than a fight and every single clone being CGI, great action. On the edge of my seat over here.


"Episode 7 more boring than all the other films" I.... don't even know how to respond to this. How anyone in any sober condition could declare that Episode 7 was more boring than Episode 1 or 2 is mind boggling. And how anyone could say that the story was WORSE or that the characters were bad is even more confusing.


"Everyone says Disney ruined Star Wars" I guess that's why Star Wars is finally out of that irrelevant quiet period of stagnation, and also why TFA holds an 89% audience approval rating on RT. And also why Rebels is getting a third season. And why we're finally getting new Star Wars games. Yup, everyone hates Disney's Star Wars alright.


"I think everything sucks because it's just not cool everything lost it's coolness nothing is cool anymore" Sound logic.

Edited by Sage_of_Battle
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Normally I say that opinions can't be wrong.


This is one of the few exceptions.


There are plenty of reasons one may not like (or at least find disappointing) TFA, however the logic buried in that unparagraphed mess is not sound.


The Sith's time is over, this movie is not, nor could ever have been, about the Sith.

Lightsaber choreography went the same way as the old Jedi. Kylo Ren is poorly trained in the lightsaber (at best), relying on raw Force power instead. Rey isn't trained at all in the lightsaber, with only some experience with a staff. To do the fancy **** from the PT here would be grossly out of place.



And anytime you say "everyone" in a post, you destroy any argument you may have had to begin with.

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There are some things that are totally true.


Disney did ruin the 6 episode lore Lucas had going like the bad retcons we had going into FE. As with Star Trek, JJ is only good at repackaging recycled ideas from other people in the guise of "homage," but that doesn't work when the homage is supposed to expand and continue the existing story, then it just becomes history badly repeating itself with nobody learning from the past. For all the problems Phantom Menace had with the politics, it was setting up a sequence of events, and there's no arguing Force Awakens completely destroyed that sequence. At least with JJTrek we can call it an alternate universe and still enjoy the established stories of the prime universe, I'm still hoping some day episode 7 will end up in a noncanon Legends2 and we can have something coherent in its place.

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While it was entertaining and definitely had a disney feel to it, it wasnt as good as its predecessors.

If it hadn't of been for the Star Wars name it would have been on DVD within a month of being released and would never have come close to earning what it did in the box office.

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There are some things that are totally true.


Disney did ruin the 6 episode lore Lucas had going like the bad retcons we had going into FE. As with Star Trek, JJ is only good at repackaging recycled ideas from other people in the guise of "homage," but that doesn't work when the homage is supposed to expand and continue the existing story, then it just becomes history badly repeating itself with nobody learning from the past. For all the problems Phantom Menace had with the politics, it was setting up a sequence of events, and there's no arguing Force Awakens completely destroyed that sequence. At least with JJTrek we can call it an alternate universe and still enjoy the established stories of the prime universe, I'm still hoping some day episode 7 will end up in a noncanon Legends2 and we can have something coherent in its place.


True from the loud minority perspective, maybe. But in a case of "what is and isn't good" is all a matter of opinion, not objective fact.


I keep hearing the same regurgitated argument that TFA was just a bad nostalgia trip, more often than not, with no citation, examples, or original thoughts. Usually it's just copy and paste from someone else who posted it that made it sound good and believable with a few big words sprinkled in. TFA has enough differences from ANH. ANH doesn't start with the massacre of a small village, doesn't end with the surprise discovery of a galactic hermit, doesn't have a vision sparked by a lightsaber at its exact centerpoint. We never get an inside look at a stormtrooper to humanize them. Luke wasn't an orphaned work slave stranded on a planet waiting for his parents. Darth Vader was never multi-dimensional as Kylo is, and that's why he's more interesting. Another stoic, super serious super mean bad guy isn't needed. A character with actual depth is.


You can draw parallels with TFA and ANH, but that's been a recurring theme with every Star Wars film. Like the people that watch the RedLetterMedia review of the prequels and suddenly decide "ok they suck" instead of coming up with their own opinion, the same thing is happening here. There's other points you could make to scrutinize TFA. No film is perfect, period. But similarities made between TFA and other past Star Wars films is not one of them. Anyone that actually understands the franchise would know this. On a side note, one thing I hope they stop going with is the constant super weapons, this time double the super. That part in TFA could've just been replaced with some actual thought behind it.


And to the point that it dismantled the setup of the prequels? Good (Although I don't see exactly how it did considering Lucas was a consultant that worked with JJ, but that's fine by me)


While it was entertaining and definitely had a disney feel to it, it wasnt as good as its predecessors.

If it hadn't of been for the Star Wars name it would have been on DVD within a month of being released and would never have come close to earning what it did in the box office.


Considering it's been praised quite a bit since it's release by critics and audience alike, I'd have too disagree with that claim.

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Considering it's been praised quite a bit since it's release by critics and audience alike, I'd have too disagree with that claim.


You can disagree all you like and i did declare imo, but if you read an in depth review of the movie in regards to how much it made in the box offices you will find they say the same thing. Good movie but not 250 billion worth of good movie. Which also explains why other than earnings it has yet to claim any awards.

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You can disagree all you like and i did declare imo, but if you read an in depth review of the movie in regards to how much it made in the box offices you will find they say the same thing. Good movie but not 250 billion worth of good movie. Which also explains why other than earnings it has yet to claim any awards.


Opinions are all well and good, I cannot say you're wrong in your opinion of the film. But to refute a few points...


I've read plenty of "in depth" reviews of the film, most all say the same thing; all parts praise. And you're confusing the notion that because a film gets a bad review, that it won't have success, that it'll go straight to dvd. Reviews mean jack **** for how a movie franchise makes it's success. Look at the Warcraft film, didn't do too hot on reviews but did it go straight to dvd? No and a trilogy is in the making. Anyhow, reviews are just glorified opinions. Don't put so much stock in them. Form your own, you'll be much happier in the long run. Critics are not the end all, be all of films. BvS was beaten to death by critics, yet on RT, most of the audience reviews seem to enjoy it.


And in regards to awards? Google is your friend.



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Not seeing the sense in that one.


Star Trek being an ANH remake?.... First time I've heard that comparison.


I've heard it plenty from my kinda-sorta Trekkie friends with insisting AbramsTrek is apparently his way of turning Star Trek into Star Wars.


Granted, these are people who refuse to realize exactly how much in bad shape the Trek franchise was and in dire need of something to revitalize it otherwise it would've gone to wherever dead franchises go. While Star Wars isn't/wasn't in the same dire straights Trek was in, it did need something to help shake it out of the rut it was in of everything seeming to have to center around Han/Luke/Leia.

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Overall I thought part VII was very good. The issue is obviously the parallels part IV and VII have. If part VII were a standalone film, it's borderline spectacular, but as it is, it's nearly a ripoff of part IV. The following video demonstrates the similarities between the two flicks. It's uncanny, not really though...


A New Awakening

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I've heard it plenty from my kinda-sorta Trekkie friends with insisting AbramsTrek is apparently his way of turning Star Trek into Star Wars.


Granted, these are people who refuse to realize exactly how much in bad shape the Trek franchise was and in dire need of something to revitalize it otherwise it would've gone to wherever dead franchises go. While Star Wars isn't/wasn't in the same dire straights Trek was in, it did need something to help shake it out of the rut it was in of everything seeming to have to center around Han/Luke/Leia.


I could imagine it being a more common thing said from die-hard Trekkie's, but I think that's the nostalgia and the "good ol' days" probably talking.


And agreed to that last part at least in regards to Star Wars(not a huge Trekkie myself, did watch the new films and enjoyed them though). The EU and TCW show were really the only thing keeping Star Wars going and the former was waning quite a bit and becoming nearly a parody of itself, and the latter had too end sometime.


Overall I thought part VII was very good. The issue is obviously the parallels part IV and VII have. If part VII were a standalone film, it's borderline spectacular, but as it is, it's nearly a ripoff of part IV. The following video demonstrates the similarities between the two flicks. It's uncanny, not really though...


A New Awakening


Thing is that you can make such a collection of the PT scenes also mimicking scenes from the OT as well. I remember watching the RedLetterMedia review of the prequels and they did just that, showing side by side scenes and how the PT tried mirroring the OT. It's been a recurring theme for a while now, a very Lucas-esque way of storytelling. Shots are similar, but context is different. That opening shot alone of ANH vs TFA is totally different. A space battle/boarding vs an introduction/follow up to a land massacre(hardly a battle really, we don't even know if they were resistance soldiers or just individuals living on the fringe). The similarities come with their own twists to it. I do hope that the characters branch off into their own stories though. If Episode 8 opens up with a battle on a snowy planet and ends with Rey getting her hand chopped off and finding out Kylo Ren is her father, we may have issues....

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In my opinion SW 7 ruined the story, yes. :p Unsuccesfully trying to copy 4, 5 and 6 movies with older camera, story is shallow and no drama and "deeper" fabula... Only good thing is the scene when Kylo kills Solo. But even this isnt very good. Kylo is handsome as h3ll, but he doesnt have what Anakin/Vader had. No real talent for acting bad guys... I suppose he's just good beautifull momma son in real life. :D

Main actress - total ****. Daisy Ridley is created to act in movies like Lara Croft was, where you just need to watch superhero woman with gun shooting all the time into bad guys without real sence.


What i liked in SW 7 is Maz, her connection to Force and enthusiasm. Solo and Chewie were also great, but invisible beneath the "mask" of bad main actors. And one good thing from Kylo Ren - his rage tantrums with lightsaber! Was a good laugh. :D


Final mark - 2/5. Hope that 8 will be better.

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In my opinion SW 7 ruined the story, yes. :p Unsuccesfully trying to copy 4, 5 and 6 movies with older camera, story is shallow and no drama and "deeper" fabula... Only good thing is the scene when Kylo kills Solo. But even this isnt very good. Kylo is handsome as h3ll, but he doesnt have what Anakin/Vader had. No real talent for acting bad guys... I suppose he's just good beautifull momma son in real life. :D

Main actress - total ****. Daisy Ridley is created to act in movies like Lara Croft was, where you just need to watch superhero woman with gun shooting all the time into bad guys without real sence.


What i liked in SW 7 is Maz, her connection to Force and enthusiasm. Solo and Chewie were also great, but invisible beneath the "mask" of bad main actors. And one good thing from Kylo Ren - his rage tantrums with lightsaber! Was a good laugh. :D


Final mark - 2/5. Hope that 8 will be better.


In English please.

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Thing is that you can make such a collection of the PT scenes also mimicking scenes from the OT as well. I remember watching the RedLetterMedia review of the prequels and they did just that, showing side by side scenes and how the PT tried mirroring the OT. It's been a recurring theme for a while now, a very Lucas-esque way of storytelling. Shots are similar, but context is different. That opening shot alone of ANH vs TFA is totally different. A space battle/boarding vs an introduction/follow up to a land massacre(hardly a battle really, we don't even know if they were resistance soldiers or just individuals living on the fringe). The similarities come with their own twists to it. I do hope that the characters branch off into their own stories though. If Episode 8 opens up with a battle on a snowy planet and ends with Rey getting her hand chopped off and finding out Kylo Ren is her father, we may have issues....


True to some degree, but it doesn't come close to the similarities pertaining to part IV and VII. VII nearly mimics IV in almost every way. Regarding your last statement, I highly doubt they would go that far.

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True to some degree, but it doesn't come close to the similarities pertaining to part IV and VII. VII nearly mimics IV in almost every way. Regarding your last statement, I highly doubt they would go that far.


More like true in every degree, really. You simply have too look.

and at around 9:00, this video showcases the shots and themes borrowed from other films when ANH was being shot https://vimeo.com/139094998 the whole video talks about how nearly every piece of fiction nowadays borrows from each other. Interesting view.


TFA mimics about as much as every other Star Wars film does to each other. I've explained a few major scenes and how they differed in context from their paralleled counterparts. I'm sure that by now, you've heard the iconic statement-turned-meme from Lucas himself; "It's like poetry, it's so that they rhyme." It truly is a very recurring theme in every Star Wars film, not something exclusive to TFA. And god, I hope not. Hollywood is running out of original ideas by the day but I think that'd be where I'd draw the line for myself.

Edited by Sage_of_Battle
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More like true in every degree, really. You simply have too look.
and at around 9:00, this video showcases the shots and themes borrowed from other films when ANH was being shot https://vimeo.com/139094998 the whole video talks about how nearly every piece of fiction nowadays borrows from each other. Interesting view.


TFA mimics about as much as every other Star Wars film does to each other. I've explained a few major scenes and how they differed in context from their paralleled counterparts. I'm sure that by now, you've heard the iconic statement-turned-meme from Lucas himself; "It's like poetry, it's so that they rhyme." It truly is a very recurring theme in every Star Wars film, not something exclusive to TFA. And god, I hope not. Hollywood is running out of original ideas by the day but I think that'd be where I'd draw the line for myself.


Of course there are comparisons in all the Star Wars movies. You would have to be absent minded not to have noticed them. It still doesn't change the fact that part VII replicated what was part IV in nearly every way more so than any other Star Wars movie, that borrowed ideas from previous versions.

Edited by Pirana
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I could imagine it being a more common thing said from die-hard Trekkie's, but I think that's the nostalgia and the "good ol' days" probably talking.


And agreed to that last part at least in regards to Star Wars(not a huge Trekkie myself, did watch the new films and enjoyed them though). The EU and TCW show were really the only thing keeping Star Wars going and the former was waning quite a bit and becoming nearly a parody of itself, and the latter had too end sometime.




Your point about the nostalgia factor's been something I've been mulling about on for a long while. For Trek, I've long come to the conclusion that the when a person fell in love with the franchise is a pretty big factor in how they connect with the franchise as time goes on. I started watching Trek on it's first run of syndication so that Kirk style balance of action/debate the human condition clicked with me so I was one of the few who really wasn't all that crazy over TNG and I loved the hell out of the AbramsTrek films.


I feel the same thing applies to Star Wars. I was hooked seeing it on the big screen back in the day before the A New Hope got added to the opening crawl and I loved the space opera 'just roll with it action' vibe where you just took things mentioned at face value and didn't need loads of detailed exposition which I felt the prequels and the majority of the EU fell into which pretty much killed a lot of my interest in Star Wars for a long while. From talking with what few friends of mine weren't all that crazy over TFA, they'd gotten into Star Wars through the EU/prequel movies and TFA just wasn't fitting with what they were used to/expected from the Star Wars franchise.


Granted this is all just my personal observations and I can be completely off base with my conclusions.

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Of course there are comparisons in all the Star Wars movies. You would have to be absent minded not to have noticed them. It still doesn't change the fact that part VII replicated what was part IV in nearly every way more so than any other Star Wars movie, that borrowed ideas from previous versions.


That's not so much a fact, more like a subjective observation. And I'm still not getting how it "replicated" ANH more so than any other Star Wars film to itself. I've already listed paralleled scenes where you could draw similarities, but how context is much different. The similarities have already been shown to be a passing-the-torch type deal with the new cast. There's really nothing that goes above and beyond. But agree to disagree here? :rak_03:



Your point about the nostalgia factor's been something I've been mulling about on for a long while. For Trek, I've long come to the conclusion that the when a person fell in love with the franchise is a pretty big factor in how they connect with the franchise as time goes on. I started watching Trek on it's first run of syndication so that Kirk style balance of action/debate the human condition clicked with me so I was one of the few who really wasn't all that crazy over TNG and I loved the hell out of the AbramsTrek films.


I feel the same thing applies to Star Wars. I was hooked seeing it on the big screen back in the day before the A New Hope got added to the opening crawl and I loved the space opera 'just roll with it action' vibe where you just took things mentioned at face value and didn't need loads of detailed exposition which I felt the prequels and the majority of the EU fell into which pretty much killed a lot of my interest in Star Wars for a long while. From talking with what few friends of mine weren't all that crazy over TFA, they'd gotten into Star Wars through the EU/prequel movies and TFA just wasn't fitting with what they were used to/expected from the Star Wars franchise.


Granted this is all just my personal observations and I can be completely off base with my conclusions.


I'm a millennial and most likely did not watch ANH first, at least, if I did I certainly don't remember doing so. I'm fairly positive I got into the prequels first. But as time went on, I started to see the flaws in them(I don't actually hate them, but I'd say anyone not biased by blind fanboyism could agree that objectively, they're not well made films) and now I can't enjoy them the same way I could enjoy ESB damn near every time I watch it.


Maybe it's the extremely controlled and sterile environment of the prequels I didn't like, the ridiculousness of the fight scenes essentially looking like dance routines over fights, or the disconnect from scenes with heavy CGI(Episode 3 didn't have a single actual actor playing a clone, they were all CGI) But I loved TFA and I can definitely see your point in regards to serious EU fans not liking TFA. Maybe because TFA is a return to simplicity whereas they're so used to planet destroying individuals, crazy apocalyptic alien races, hundreds of Jedi onscreen at once etc. Most people that hate TFA usually follow up with a comment about how the EU should never have been removed from canon(it was never canon to begin with so a moot point really).

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That's not so much a fact, more like a subjective observation. And I'm still not getting how it "replicated" ANH more so than any other Star Wars film to itself. I've already listed paralleled scenes where you could draw similarities, but how context is much different. The similarities have already been shown to be a passing-the-torch type deal with the new cast. There's really nothing that goes above and beyond. But agree to disagree here? :rak_03:


From your point of view, I'm sure it would look like a subjective observation. And if you're not getting the "replicated" part, then that's on you. You're more than welcome to disagree all you want, that doesn't change anything.

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From your point of view, I'm sure it would look like a subjective observation. And if you're not getting the "replicated" part, then that's on you. You're more than welcome to disagree all you want, that doesn't change anything.


It is a subjective observation, point of view doesn't matter here.


You're right, it doesn't change anything. There's nothing to change. The movie is it's own film.

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