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change advanced class


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Don't need to buy/unlock every mount, only need to grab 1 or 2 of ur faves, for me its my jetpack and Eternal Empire Walker. Same with color crystals, and armor sets... and you get 600 FREE cartel coins for being a subscriber with security key. Or if you need cartel coins do what everyone else does, pay subscribers 600k-1 million credits to click on you link, 600 CC's a pop, and thats easy for global unlocks.


Advanced class changes, don't need them, would stop anyone from creating new characters of the same class but different advanced class because they could swap back and forth, not to mention any bugs that may occur like maybe being a level 65 sith inquisitor forever because you tried to change your advanced class and cant select a new one.


So do what every other normal person does and remake a character of a different advanced class.


This message is sponsored by me, an altaholic.

I would have my characters names in my signature, but i have to many characters.

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the thing is i am talking about my favorites, i have way more thna 8 armor sets but theres 8 i like, for the mounts i just and pets i just like to collect them i have 5-6 favorites there aswell. to level to 65 in a few days isnt realy possible for me since im able to play max 4h a day on a weekend. and the 600cc i mounthly get...well if i could change advanced class for 3000cc i whould still save cc and have be able to get more credits out of them.
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Stop deleting your characters and starting over. When you get bored of one go play another until you want to come back.


Don't say "but I'm not deleting them" cuz that sure is what you're implying or else you'd have all the classes already and there'd be no need for any of this.

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Ok, so you change from Marauder to Juggernaut. You had full 224 set pieces on your Marauder. Those set pieces won't do your Juggernaut any good. You still have to start from the basic end-game gear and resupply the character with the right set.

Could be worse. Could be changing from Juggernaut to Marauder, where the new class can't even wear the old armour. A DPS Jugg *can* wear Mara armour. If it is adaptive-weight, he won't even lose anything. Everyone will laugh at him if it isn't adaptive-weight, but he can do it. A Mara cannot wear correctly-chosen non-Adaptive Jugg armour.


But who wears fixed-weight armour these days?


But I'm still on the side of "no AC change", even though I have one character I'd use it on if it was ever available.

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  • 3 years later...
coming back after 4 year they force to to pick something, I had no clue as forgot everything, but my lightning sith got corruption instead cus I had no clue she was lightning before, and now when I start to remember i have no clue how to set her back to lightning where she should be
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coming back after 4 year they force to to pick something, I had no clue as forgot everything, but my lightning sith got corruption instead cus I had no clue she was lightning before, and now when I start to remember i have no clue how to set her back to lightning where she should be


You have to go to the fleet to find the Skill Mentor. They are located in the same location where you train for the different classes. They are in the left side cubicle area if your facing them. Talk to them to reset your Discipline to then choose if you want lighting. You can also purchase the legacy perk for your character in the legacy window. Open legacy window with Y, go to Character Perks and it is the last choice on the bottom left.


This will allow you to change it in the field anytime you want by pressing K for the Discipline window and then clicking the abandon button on the bottom for the Discipline you are in.

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