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change advanced class


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every time i create a new char i ask my self, "1 or 2 light sabers?" i chose but a month later im sick of the class and wish i could change...like now, my main is a mara but i want a jugg now. i could start a new char but i whould need to grind, and buy my armor sets and it whould just take ages to get back where i was.


I dont know how much CC bioware whould take for this but i got the idea after thinking about what i whould honestly spend 1000cc on other than cartel packs, and truly id pay 1000cc to change from mara to jugg.



a problem could be weapon type, armor, attacks, etc. but every time you start a tutorial you "lose" your attacks so thats not a problem to remove, armor and weapons could easly just be placed in inventory if you accept to change advanced class. you have a message telling you to remove all armor first. im not sure if the story on contet is much different when chosing one advanced class over another but atleast give us chance when finished class mission or KOTFE / KOTET.


another thing, i started KOTFE before i finished class story...but i forgot i get darth title from class mission so whould be nice to continue where i dropped of after KOTET...maybe whouldnt fit the timeline but idc

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every time i create a new char i ask my self, "1 or 2 light sabers?" i chose but a month later im sick of the class and wish i could change...like now, my main is a mara but i want a jugg now. i could start a new char but i whould need to grind, and buy my armor sets and it whould just take ages to get back where i was.


I dont know how much CC bioware whould take for this but i got the idea after thinking about what i whould honestly spend 1000cc on other than cartel packs, and truly id pay 1000cc to change from mara to jugg.



a problem could be weapon type, armor, attacks, etc. but every time you start a tutorial you "lose" your attacks so thats not a problem to remove, armor and weapons could easly just be placed in inventory if you accept to change advanced class. you have a message telling you to remove all armor first. im not sure if the story on contet is much different when chosing one advanced class over another but atleast give us chance when finished class mission or KOTFE / KOTET.


another thing, i started KOTFE before i finished class story...but i forgot i get darth title from class mission so whould be nice to continue where i dropped of after KOTET...maybe whouldnt fit the timeline but idc

Bioware have long said that they won't put AC change into the game. The game tells you quite clearly that it's irreversible. (I have one character I'd like to change, but I can't so that's that. I'm going to, some day, push the poor sucker through the remainder of his class story so I can see how the romance with Elara actually plays out, but Vanguard is NOT for me. Needs moar cannon.)


And maybe it would be nice to return to your old class stories after you finish KotFE/KotET, but, really, you clicked "Confirm" on a box that said you would lose access to them, then on a second box that asked if you really wanted to start KotFE. How much more warning did you want?

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Bioware have long said that they won't put AC change into the game. The game tells you quite clearly that it's irreversible. (I have one character I'd like to change, but I can't so that's that. I'm going to, some day, push the poor sucker through the remainder of his class story so I can see how the romance with Elara actually plays out, but Vanguard is NOT for me. Needs moar cannon.)


And maybe it would be nice to return to your old class stories after you finish KotFE/KotET, but, really, you clicked "Confirm" on a box that said you would lose access to them, then on a second box that asked if you really wanted to start KotFE. How much more warning did you want?


yes but i only want the title, ive dont the story a million times. and for the advanced class, as i said i chose but later get bored with the fighting style and want to change, but then i whould need to create a new character and restart everything.

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Stop deleting all these characters you make and get bored of so you can go back and play them any time you want and play whatever style you feel like playing whether it's one saber or two or whatever else.

Edited by PetFish
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yes but i only want the title, ive dont the story a million times. and for the advanced class, as i said i chose but later get bored with the fighting style and want to change, but then i whould need to create a new character and restart everything.

Well, if you start a new character, you can push all the way through to get the advanced class you want *and* get the title ***before*** you start KotFE. Think of it that way.

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Well, if you start a new character, you can push all the way through to get the advanced class you want *and* get the title ***before*** you start KotFE. Think of it that way.


the story is boring.

and i already have 15characters on the server i play on, so to start a new one i need to delete 1, i could pay for another character slot but id rather pay to change advanced class.

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the story is boring.

and i already have 15characters on the server i play on, so to start a new one i need to delete 1, i could pay for another character slot but id rather pay to change advanced class.



1 exists & is on sale, the other Bioware have made clear is never going to exist

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OK, that makes sense. You want to be able to get a title that shows you did a story you don't like because it's boring. I understand that perfectly. :confused::rak_02::eek:


story was fun the first 5 times then ok the next 3 nad after that its just boring. i want the titles yes but i also said i want to be able to continue story after kotfe or kotet. when a new chapter comes out id rather start something new then doing something ive done a million times already

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story was fun the first 5 times then ok the next 3 nad after that its just boring. i want the titles yes but i also said i want to be able to continue story after kotfe or kotet. when a new chapter comes out id rather start something new then doing something ive done a million times already

OK. I still say that you're going to be out of luck on that one. It was clear that once you started KotFE, you would not be able to go back and finish up unfinished parts of the classic story and SoR. On one character, I wanted to get on with KotFE, so I abandoned SoR somewhere on Rishi, but I did that knowing I would not be able to go back. Do I regret it? Maybe, maybe not, but such regret serves no purpose, because it was *my* choice to do so, so I must take responsibility for having made it. You made a similar choice (perhaps a more extreme version - discuss), and it looks to me as if you are asking for Bioware to absolve you of that responsibility, or at least of its consequences.

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OK. I still say that you're going to be out of luck on that one. It was clear that once you started KotFE, you would not be able to go back and finish up unfinished parts of the classic story and SoR. On one character, I wanted to get on with KotFE, so I abandoned SoR somewhere on Rishi, but I did that knowing I would not be able to go back. Do I regret it? Maybe, maybe not, but such regret serves no purpose, because it was *my* choice to do so, so I must take responsibility for having made it. You made a similar choice (perhaps a more extreme version - discuss), and it looks to me as if you are asking for Bioware to absolve you of that responsibility, or at least of its consequences.


nope, i had a suggestion, i was 100% aware of that i whouldnt be able to do story after but as the forum post is in sugesstions i suggest that it could be a good idea to let us finish story after kotfe or kotet. this is a suggestion thats why it is in suggestion part of the forum

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nope, i had a suggestion, i was 100% aware of that i whouldnt be able to do story after but as the forum post is in sugesstions i suggest that it could be a good idea to let us finish story after kotfe or kotet. this is a suggestion thats why it is in suggestion part of the forum

Of course it's a suggestion. I never said it wasn't.


But it still sounds like you are suggesting it so as to escape the consequences of your choices.

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Of course it's a suggestion. I never said it wasn't.


But it still sounds like you are suggesting it so as to escape the consequences of your choices.


How i look at is its too late to fix all the bugs so their best choice is to improve the game with bouth big and small impact, and this could be a small impact. something people whould appreciate without it changing a whole system. little work = happy people. maybe it sounds like im trying to escape from my actions but im just sharing my side of the story. Its not like i whould use the titles much either, but id like to have them.


for the possibility of changing advanced class, id rather pay 1500cc to change advanced class instead of starting a new char do 3 months of grinding just to get back at where i was, spend millions on armor, and buy back 8-9 armor sets, weapon tunings, weapons, mounts, pets etc. Maybe bioware once said they whouldnt add it but they have said alot of things the past years and 50/50 they stay true to their words or not.


Its all just suggestions even if they have answered it years ago they can still change.

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Actually, when it comes to them saying "never" they have stayed on point with it. As they say it so infrequently that it tends to keep the meaning properly.


You cannot switch it. Every MMO that uses an advanced class system hard locks it so your choice actually has meaning. Your advanced class is your real class, those first 10 levels are just tutorial levels. It is a method of artificially having more classes without having to make more content. Otherwise they would have you make a sentinel or guardian from the beginning rather than making a jedi knight that then becomes one or the other. Which is also why they do not let you switch them, it marginalizes class choice to pointlesness.

If you get bored with classes so fast then have both and play whichever one suits your fancy rather than deleting and remaking.


As for the doing story after skipping ahead to the chapters...much like your class choice...sorry they warn you with several things you must click accept/ok on. Those warnings plainly read that you will miss out on everything special the story gives you. So no, you lose out because you got impatient. It is that simple.


Decisions have consequences and honestly it is better to have more such hard coded no returns than less as it makes things have more meaning. Just as real life has meaning because there is no 'do overs'.

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There's a thread floating round in general because James Ohlen made a comment back during beta that there would be the option to change AC's. Obviously that changed. But some people get OCD about a subject and latch onto it like a pitbull and never let it rest.


My point is, it isn't going to happen. It's too easy to level up a new character. Hell, I leveled up 5 characters to 50 for the DvL event last week. And, no, I did not spend every moment on them. I did push them hard when I did play them, though. Was it boring. Hell yeah, it was boring. Especially since I already had multiples of each class already spread across multiple servers.


So if you don't like the AC you're playing, the simplest solution is to reroll.

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Nope, just nope.


I mean i have 19 level 65's, ive done every advanced class once each, some 3 times each, or replay trooper 4 times, done it. Deleted some, but regretted it and remade them. I'm an altaholic, its not that hard to grind through story, i usually takes me 30 mins a planet, aside from your short quesh and returns to other planets for 1 small mission.


Just stick with the class, re-roll if need be, or create a new character, swapping advanced classes would to be OP in PvE, ya in a flashpoint let me just swap my advanced class back and for, i mean the field respec is already good enough, advanced class swapping bad idea, never implement it.

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I never stated that it was hard to do a class, but i am saying bringing a character back up at where your main is at is gone take a long time. I do not go around and read every thread to see what devs said 5 years ago. I had a suggestion and i posted it.


bringing a char to 50 is 1-2 days work, but bringing it to 65, getting 224 gear, armor sets and customezations, mounts, pets, etc is alittle longer than 2 days. I have spent most my time playing as sith warrior, I have finished the story countless times but as i said before i will sooner or later get bored of the advanced class i play as.


8 armor sets cost about 2000cc to unlock for all characters (240cc each) and that is if all is silver rarity. tehn you got the none collection items like weapon tuning for millions of credits (0.52$ * 20 = 10.4$ (1050cc) if i was to buy money from bots)

so 3050cc(roughly) worth in my collection, i will never pay that to get items unlocked for all characters.


So if i can pay 1500cc for changing advanced class i whould have saved over 50% + bioware whould have earned money.



Looking at other MMO dont mather here, its better to make a unique game rather than a copy

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Bringing a char to 50 is about 3 hours work. If it's taking you 2 days to get to 50, I worry how long it would take you to get full 224 gear. And you'd have spend the time to get the 224 gear anyway, even if you had the ability to change AC's. Also, most of your mounts and armour sets in Collections are easily unlocked with your monthly free 500cc. (Don't know why you haven't already unlocked the ones you like)


Some good strong arguments you had there.

Edited by CrazyCT
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I never stated that it was hard to do a class, but i am saying bringing a character back up at where your main is at is gone take a long time. I do not go around and read every thread to see what devs said 5 years ago. I had a suggestion and i posted it.


bringing a char to 50 is 1-2 days work, but bringing it to 65, getting 224 gear, armor sets and customezations, mounts, pets, etc is alittle longer than 2 days. I have spent most my time playing as sith warrior, I have finished the story countless times but as i said before i will sooner or later get bored of the advanced class i play as.


8 armor sets cost about 2000cc to unlock for all characters (240cc each) and that is if all is silver rarity. tehn you got the none collection items like weapon tuning for millions of credits (0.52$ * 20 = 10.4$ (1050cc) if i was to buy money from bots)

so 3050cc(roughly) worth in my collection, i will never pay that to get items unlocked for all characters.


So if i can pay 1500cc for changing advanced class i whould have saved over 50% + bioware whould have earned money.



Looking at other MMO dont mather here, its better to make a unique game rather than a copy


What I was saying is that this is a very old subject (probably the longest running thread on the forums), yet people won't let it have the death it deserves. It usually gets resurrected every 4-8 weeks. Here is the link to that thread. It was created 05.27.2013 and the last post was 07.04.2016. It's had 5,903 replies, and not once has BioWare even made a single comment in that thread.


Ok, so you change from Marauder to Juggernaut. You had full 224 set pieces on your Marauder. Those set pieces won't do your Juggernaut any good. You still have to start from the basic end-game gear and resupply the character with the right set.


As far as your estimations for armor sets, customizations and other unlocks, that's all QOL stuff and there's no reason, other than vanity, to pay CC for any of that stuff.


So, while wishful thinking, don't hold your breath. You'd be better off trying to light a candle with a water gun.

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What I was saying is that this is a very old subject (probably the longest running thread on the forums), yet people won't let it have the death it deserves. It usually gets resurrected every 4-8 weeks. Here is the link to that thread. It was created 05.27.2013 and the last post was 07.04.2016. It's had 5,903 replies, and not once has BioWare even made a single comment in that thread.


Ok, so you change from Marauder to Juggernaut. You had full 224 set pieces on your Marauder. Those set pieces won't do your Juggernaut any good. You still have to start from the basic end-game gear and resupply the character with the right set.


As far as your estimations for armor sets, customizations and other unlocks, that's all QOL stuff and there's no reason, other than vanity, to pay CC for any of that stuff.


So, while wishful thinking, don't hold your breath. You'd be better off trying to light a candle with a water gun.


wrong gear or not, it will be easier to get it from a already level 65 224 geared (weaponmaster gear) than starting a new char with 24 gear or whatever the lowest is. and as i said before, buying every mount and armor set from my collection will cost more than if bioware chose to add possibility to change advanced class even for 3000cc, all my items is not even accessable through the collection.

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wrong gear or not, it will be easier to get it from a already level 65 224 geared (weaponmaster gear) than starting a new char with 24 gear or whatever the lowest is. and as i said before, buying every mount and armor set from my collection will cost more than if bioware chose to add possibility to change advanced class even for 3000cc, all my items is not even accessable through the collection.


That is all QoL stuff, not necessary for the class to be viable. It is vanity not game mechanics or balance reasons you are arguing now.

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wrong gear or not, it will be easier to get it from a already level 65 224 geared (weaponmaster gear) than starting a new char with 24 gear or whatever the lowest is. and as i said before, buying every mount and armor set from my collection will cost more than if bioware chose to add possibility to change advanced class even for 3000cc, all my items is not even accessable through the collection.


If you change AC, that gear is worthless to your character as far as the set bonus goes. Sure you could still use it until you replaced it, but how long would that take? A few weeks at least, provided you won every unassembled piece that dropped. And why would you need to buy every mount and armor set again if it's already unlocked in your collection? Again, it's all vanity and QoL - eye candy for a more literal term. You don't need any of it.


You can level up to 65 in a couple of days and have enough crystals to get the starter 208 armor. PvP as a lowbie and get enough pvp comms to get the 204, or even 208, armorings and have a set bonus to start operations.

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