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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Outfit Designer: Remove Certain slots.


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This is an option that would be REALLY awesome, If the devs actually read through these posts, PLEASE... In the next patch PLEASE! Have an option to remove slots from your outfit designer, Like the waist or glove slots... These ruin all my outfits!!!!And you could say the "Covert armor" Exist, But it is so extremely rare and costs TONS of credits on GTN, So devs if you truly read these...Please give us the option to hide certain slots in our outfits. :(
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This is an option that would be REALLY awesome, If the devs actually read through these posts, PLEASE... In the next patch PLEASE! Have an option to remove slots from your outfit designer, Like the waist or glove slots... These ruin all my outfits!!!!And you could say the "Covert armor" Exist, But it is so extremely rare and costs TONS of credits on GTN, So devs if you truly read these...Please give us the option to hide certain slots in our outfits. :(




If their solution is the covert peices, those suckers need to be available at the Cartel Bazaar for similar pricing to the other credit outfits there. Under a mil for an entire set.

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