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Apologie to people I 'leapt out' on (or more convienatly titled AAAAHHHH!!!)


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So for the past week my main toon (Sugado) has problems loading in always stop at 50. I thought I found a workaround but it only works some of the time. It is really frustrating tho when it happens saay when I try to load into a flashpoint. I try to relog in hoping im there at the flashpoint but nope in fact im back in the Imperial station unable to log in. To those people on the Ebon Hawk I am sorry. I am not doing for ****s and giggles and trust me I am very frusterated. I love this game and Bioware I really do but I think after tonight im out for a patch or two. In my opinon the bug is really ruining any chance for me to make friends or have fun. I dont blame anyone I understand the game still has bugs and will maybe have some bugs afterwords. Again to the people of the Ebon Hawk that I left hangin I am sorry. (Im not sure if this is the appropriate form to put this in but doesnt matter I just felt like ranting/apologizing)
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