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Plz change dark side corruption


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There can be no question that the darkside can cause any number of physical changed to the body as well as mental effects.

Power corrupts. Its not the power itself, its the mind that cant resist the temptation to misuse the power.


Most darkside users, however, do experience some level of physical effects from prolonged usage of the darkside. There are many examples of this from canon and former canon. Just to sight a few examples, Palpatine, Vader, Darth Bane, Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Darth Traya, King Adas of Korriban, King Ommin of Onderon, Darth Zash, and Darth Caedus.

Palpatine used the force to appear young while his true physical form is of old age. Same with zash. Vader was severely injured from combat, not from force usage. Sion was injured again and again and only the force kept him alive. Not the same as getting wrecked from using the force until the body breaks.


But they didnt have "dirt" in the face.

Edited by Zasszz
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Power corrupts. Its not the power itself, its the mind that cant resist the temptation to misuse the power.



Palpatine used the force to appear young while his true physical form is of old age. Same with zash. Vader was severely injured from combat, not from force usage. Sion was injured again and again and only the force kept him alive. Not the same as getting wrecked from using the force until the body breaks.


But they didnt have "dirt" in the face.



The "dirt" as you call it, is just the way the programmers deceided to demonstraight the darksides physical effects. They weren't about to make it as varied as its been demonstraited in canon, as its been shown to be very variable in effects. The "dirt" is better, as far as I am concerned, than having all the skin become pock marked or crackeled, or hunch backed or unable to walk and need cybernetics to be able to move around [not talking about vader].


Palpatines extreme physical appearence was due to the effects of the dark side energies of his force lightning being redirected at himself while he fought Mace Windu. [That's a canon explaination mind you].


The effects are variable, and can vary from extreme to virtually none existant. You have the non-existant option. If they were to reflect cannon fully, you would run the risk of having the possibility of extreme physical effects. I consider the dirt a far more palatable manifistation than say Darth Sion, who had the appearance of a walking corpse. His flesh was "cracked and scarred" and he had "several thousand fractures in his skeleton," His appearance was not due soley to injuries. Injuries don't make a person look like a "walking corpse" once they've healed.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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whatever the canon on the force is, the state of the world tells a story of its own about the force - especially if the old republic era is assumed to be true. and judging by it the force is quite evil - not in the sense as a person would be but rather by how it changes things for the worse.


i mean in the SW universe the 'will' of force massively meddles into politics shaping the galaxy by its own vision of the future (which some force sensitives may peek into). jolee bindo put it this way "The Sith are the greatest evil to hit the galaxy since, well, the Mandalorians. And they're the worst thing since Exar Kun. Blah, blah, blah, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera."


so what the force effectively does is to capture the world in an perpetual cycle of galaxy wide wars by allowing angry people rise to power up to the point to create a balance between their empires and the rest of the world such that they can throw the entire galaxy into maximal chaos undoing all technological, political and social progress made. in the end nothing really evolves over thousands of years!


that's like giving power to real world factions like ISIS terrorists to nearly rival NATO forces strength to ensure the war that follows has enough destructive potential to undo all progress made. again and again.


guess the force didn't take it too well being enslaved by rakata tech and has developed an impressively effective immune reaction to prevent that ever from happening.

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The "dirt" as you call it, is just the way the programmers deceided to demonstraight the darksides physical effects. They weren't about to make it as varied as its been demonstraited in canon, as its been shown to be very variable in effects. The "dirt" is better, as far as I am concerned, than having all the skin become pock marked or crackeled, or hunch backed or unable to walk and need cybernetics to be able to move around [not talking about vader].

I guess we are lucky the devs decided against that one :D

Still its not an argument against my suggestion to make the dirt AND the eyes seperately optional. I just like to have the red eyes (until the real sith eyes are available) without the dirt to have a dark side appearence. I dont see a reason why red eyes and "dirt" must be inseparably.


Palpatines extreme physical appearence was due to the effects of the dark side energies of his force lightning being redirected at himself while he fought Mace Windu. [That's a canon explaination mind you].

I read another lore about him being much older than he looked before that particular fight and used the force until that point to appear young.


The effects are variable, and can vary from extreme to virtually none existant. You have the non-existant option. If they were to reflect cannon fully, you would run the risk of having the possibility of extreme physical effects. I consider the dirt a far more palatable manifistation than say Darth Sion, who had the appearance of a walking corpse. His flesh was "cracked and scarred" and he had "several thousand fractures in his skeleton," His appearance was not due soley to injuries. Injuries don't make a person look like a "walking corpse" once they've healed.

I mentioned it before. There is a sith in the sith warrior story with a similar combat history but appears without any injury or dark side corruption. So evidently from a lore point of view its possible to be a dark side force user and not have dark side corruption visible.

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I think the biggest issue is that 'Light', 'Dark', 'Jedi', and 'Sith' are four different things, not two. Light and Dark coexist across a broad spectrum, while Jedi and Sith represent increasingly radicalised and mutually exclusive extremes.
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I really love the red eyes on my dark side chars, I even try to keep the orange ones one some but the dark side "dirt" is ruining the effect. My beautiful dark sided female juggernaut looks terrible with the "dirt". The char would loow awesome with red eyes only.

I have a Rattataki Sorc with Dark V active.

I thought I wouldn't like to have this, but I have grown to really think it makes her more menacing.

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Or you could say jedi view the force as a companion while for sith its a tool. Yet both are sometimes pulled to places or events like stones in a river. There is no true light or dark side. Its still one force but the difference is only how force users use it. Because of that most jedi are usually not as old as sith.



"Naturally" force sensitive.


You do not understand the Star Wars canon. The Light Side is the right and natural way to use the Force. The Dark Side has never been and anyone who claims otherwise merely does not follow or know the canon. The Dark Side is a perversion of the Force and nothing more. It is not a legitimate alternative.


Sith Purebloods are not actually "naturally force sensitive." In fact, in the Revan book, we know of Sith Purebloods who aren't force sensitive AT ALL. As I said before, True Sith were creatures and they were enslaved and subjugated by the fallen Dark Jedi who were humans. Those Dark Jedi became the first Dark Lords of the Sith (rulers of the Sith in other words) and they would interbreed later to create Sith Purebloods.

Edited by Aowin
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I look at it as if one really wants to go the full dark side route then the repercussion is getting the pale and mottled skin with red eyes look with the option of using the Force to hide it all. As it's pretty much a commitment to go to the extreme degrees of the dark side enough to effect one's appearance to that degree, it's not going to be manipulated like one's choosing how to co-ordinate one's outfit with "I think I'll just do the red eyes today since they go with my cape" or "I'm just really feeling yellow eyes today".


I've got two jedi, a deep blue Twi'lek and a deep green Mirialan that I took to dark side 5 and they look every bit as sickly diseased pale with mottled veiny skin as I expect them to be for being that consistently darksided. It completely makes sense as that sort of thing's going to take a toll on a body.

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You do not understand the Star Wars canon. The Light Side is the right and natural way to use the Force. The Dark Side has never been and anyone who claims otherwise merely does not follow or know the canon. The Dark Side is a perversion of the Force and nothing more. It is not a legitimate alternative.

I cant say I can confirm that in any SW games or series or movies. And if the force is really just mediclorians, then there is no light or dark side. Just different ways to use the same force and the appropriate consequences of that usage. For example sion and sith like him use the force to substain their life but not to heal the wounded flesh. It doesnt destroy them for using the force that way but their physical form doesnt repair itself from that process. Which is odd because some jedi are known for having healing techniques.


Sith Purebloods are not actually "naturally force sensitive." In fact, in the Revan book, we know of Sith Purebloods who aren't force sensitive AT ALL. As I said before, True Sith were creatures and they were enslaved and subjugated by the fallen Dark Jedi who were humans. Those Dark Jedi became the first Dark Lords of the Sith (rulers of the Sith in other words) and they would interbreed later to create Sith Purebloods.

On voss is a non-force sith-blooded at the beginning of the sorcerer storyline. She says she is one of the few with no force sensitivity. That means the force sensitivity comes naturally to the overwhelming majority of that species. It doesnt contradict what I wrote.


But thats all besides the point. The "dirt" turns beautiful chars ugly. Unlock red eyes for all races. Maybe make it char specific once you reach dark side 5 because devs love to make it difficult for no reason.


How about just getting the red eyes for your character and turning the corruption off in your character screen?

Only works for purebloods who can select red eyes during the creation process and on modification stations.

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Corrupts, yes. Destroys, no. Some abilities are considered unnatural which isnt the same as actually unnatural. That doesnt necessarily mean its destructive either.

I cant point at a single dark sided character from lore with similar dirt in the face nor are all sith blessed with it either. Feel free to show some so this "dirt" makes sense to enforce on everyone.


Still, making it optional would be the optimal solution for those that like the far progressed dark side "cancer" in their face.


If you are talking about the comics or cover art on books, you are dilluding yourself friend. They intentionally don't show it on most characters for fan service (read most every female sith, talon being the most obvious stand out) or for 'heroic' service (read big darksiders like bane, who int he books they describe his corruption as being like open scars yet pictures of him never have them). They don't show it because they don't want to lose the fan service.

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Or just a retexture would be nice. It isn't menacing looking at all right now. You just look like an undead sad clown or mime. The texture around the mouth looks bad :-/ I have no problem with all of the dark veins in general. But that one particular bit being redone at the mouth could make a whole world of difference between looking menacing and looking silly
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Or just a retexture would be nice. It isn't menacing looking at all right now. You just look like an undead sad clown or mime. The texture around the mouth looks bad :-/ I have no problem with all of the dark veins in general. But that one particular bit being redone at the mouth could make a whole world of difference between looking menacing and looking silly

I completely forgot about that. You are 100% right. One more reason to make the eyes and "dirt" seperate.

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The Force is naturally light. Again, George Lucas has explained this many times over the years. The Dark Side is "unnatural" and a cancer. Many fans misinterpreted the prophecy from the films to "bring balance to the Force" by vanquishing the Sith and the Jedi. This is false. Bringing balance to the Force meant eradicating the Dark Side and the Sith, which Anakin eventually did.


You realized Korriban, Dromund Kaas, and Ziost all became Dark Side influenced because they were Sith-colonized planets? Sith Purebloods are human-sith hybrids. Sith Purebloods ironically enough aren't pure Sith. True Sith were creatures, much like the Massassi, and the original fallen Dark Jedi (who became the first Dark Lords of the Sith) subjugated the Sith and eventually interbred with them. Humans were always at the top of the food chain with Sith at the bottom. It was only later on that Sith Purebloods became a delicacy as they were a combination of the two. Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, and Ludo Kressh were all Sith Purebloods.


As I told the other poster, all users of the Dark Side exhibit symptoms of corruption in one way or another.


Hmm. You don't see it with Maul, who in Rebels was just naturally pretty old and moves swiftly still. Also didn't see it with Dooku, who was already old and flirted with the Dark Side most of his life. Hard canon examples and not discarded EU stuff. Palpatine force lightning'd himself and Vader slipped into Lava.

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Hmm. You don't see it with Maul, who in Rebels was just naturally pretty old and moves swiftly still. Also didn't see it with Dooku, who was already old and flirted with the Dark Side most of his life. Hard canon examples and not discarded EU stuff. Palpatine force lightning'd himself and Vader slipped into Lava.


Maul's eyes are yellow (similar to Lana's)

Edited by _FengShui_
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I found a way around it myself. I use a chiss for all my sith. they have naturally red eyes and with the right complexion looks pretty awesome :D


Cyborg with glowing red eye implants, liberal use of scars and the "burst capillaries" complexion also do wonders right out of the gate :p

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Hmm. You don't see it with Maul, who in Rebels was just naturally pretty old and moves swiftly still. Also didn't see it with Dooku, who was already old and flirted with the Dark Side most of his life. Hard canon examples and not discarded EU stuff. Palpatine force lightning'd himself and Vader slipped into Lava.


We are in Old Republic forums, so it would make sense to consider KotOR cannon.


Also, Dooku was a jedi for big part of his life. And sith don't necessary lose control over their bodies. Hell, in KOTOR 2 there's sith who is literally a walking corpse. They can overcome corruption and body damage it causes as long as it doesn't get lethal, and some don't even stop at that. Zash, despite her condition of "should be dead by now", still puts up quite a fight.


And, well, you said it yourself. There's new cannon now. Rebels are definetely separate from our little asylum.

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Hmm. You don't see it with Maul, who in Rebels was just naturally pretty old and moves swiftly still. Also didn't see it with Dooku, who was already old and flirted with the Dark Side most of his life. Hard canon examples and not discarded EU stuff. Palpatine force lightning'd himself and Vader slipped into Lava.


Darth Maul's corruption is in his eyes. That is not a natural eye color for Zabraks.


Count Dooku was a Jedi Master for most of his life. It's not unreasonable to believe any corruption he would have could easily be masked with his ability to wield the Force


Regardless of Sidious' scars, he also had corruption in his eyes and masked his appearance.


Vader also had corruption in his eyes and his skin turned a pale white regardless of his injuries from Mustafar.

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I like the sickly look, as it shows the toll that the dark side takes on someone. It consumes them.


I wouldn't mind some options for the eyes, though. Anakin had the best Sith eyes and something like that would be great. But, options for a few colors would be cool.

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