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Legendary Player Achievement Bug - Jedi Knight Storyline not Registering


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Firstly, I want to report a bug that the Jedi Knight storyline does not appear to be counting towards the Legendary Player achievement for me. I've researched the issue and I do not think the problem is on my side. I currently have every other class completed.


Second, I want to mention that the bug does not upset me, even though I spent all this time trying to figure out if it was something I was doing. Bugs happen, and I'm understanding. However: I am incredibly upset that customer support has ignored my ticket for over a week. I not only subscribe, but make plenty of micro transactions. For the money I pay towards this game, it seems ridiculous to me that I don't even have an acknowledgment that someone has looked at or is working on my issue. If you want to maintain loyal customers Bioware, I suggest you don't leave them hanging for so long. :jawa_mad:

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I also have this problem. Submitted a ticket and got this response:


"... By now, you are aware that we've been battling a bug that's prevented completion of some class storylines being properly counted towards Legendary player status. The nature of the bug (it's caused by missing background triggers in-game) means that Customer Service has not been able to help with these cases. In recent game updates, we've resolved the problem across the majority of class storylines. However, some of the missing triggers proved trickier to pin down, and we needed a bit more time to work them out. We're still aiming for a full fix in an upcoming patch. We are truly sorry for the continued wait, Galactic Support is our specialty... "


In researching this online, I found a couple posters had this problem with their Dark Jedi ... My Knight was Dark V as well, so perhaps the missing trigger is in the Dark Side Knight ending. Was your Knight Dark Side, by any chance?

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