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Torian Cadera Conversation Issue Update XVI


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I can sadly say this "bug" is still on going. I just finished Torians romance whit my mandalorian female and i got 2 bugs in his dialogs. I didint get the dialog there he tells her that he has been neglecting her and i got the shooting lessons instead of the mandalorian lesson. :(
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It makes me so disappointed that they will not fix this bug :(


I came back to play the stories rpg-stories that came in the beginning. The lvl 1-50 part of SWTOR is glorious and I have so many great memories of playing my JK, SW and smuggler. However, the romance is a big part of the story for me and it would feel so sad to put so many hours into a story when I cannot even see the conversations that really matter to me.


It is not worth investing all that time if I won't see the whole story, speaking as a parent working parttime to try to keep some balance on life. I have a few precious hours to spend on things that just makes me happy. If I am going to put an large amount time into the Bounty Hunter I want some romance to show for it. Or knowing that it is there and I just can't get it isn't good enough for me.


Plenty of story, some action and some romance. And loot... Why does it have to be so difficult.

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I am starting to think that the big problem in his romance dialogs starts at Belsavis because the part when he gets kidnapt just don´t fit in the romance order. He should first confess his fellings for her before Belsavis so that it fits when he gets kidnapt because it weird how the BH F and Torian acts like thay already a couple when we save him on Hoth. And after we save him he don´t have any dialogs at all Before Voss.


Maybe its a bug that do not happens to every character, that it is random. Because i don´t remember having this problem whit my older BH F character and it was long after the 4.0 uppdate.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Hallo! Just giving a suprise update about my torian romance. I am playing at the planet Rishi and i had bugs in my torian romance before and just sec ago i just got two of the missing dialogs from his romance :D the were he tells her he can teach her mandoe and the one he shows of a new shot he been praktesing. So weird but happy. Still missing the one were he telling her he been neglecting her but i still hope. Edited by CiliasLilly
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Hej. Just giving a suprise update about my torian romance. I am playing at the planet Rishi and i had bugs in my torian romance before and just sec ago i just got two of the missing dialogs from his romance :D the were he tells her he can teach her mandoe and the one he shows of a new shot he been praktesing. So weird but happy.


This happened to me yesterday. My BH has been lvl 70 for a year now and suddenly he wanted to talk to me again and it was the teaching Mando'a scene.

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Are you saying that the conversation is back, but it's out of order now?


I'm guessing the poster above me is correct in that those of us who finished the romance are getting it after the fact. I don't know if it's properly restored for new romances or not. I am happy to level up a BH to find out but I'm sure there are some other players who will be able to confirm it before I can. I think I have another BH in her 20s or so that I can work on.

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I have i new BH F as from before but i am going to wait untill a update from the swtor team to comfirm that they have fixt his romance before i start leveling her so i don´t get 2 characters whit this issue. Edited by CiliasLilly
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  • 2 weeks later...

By the emperor's sacred knickers, I think they actually fixed it :eek:! Or maybe added it?


Anyway, I logged on to my Lady BH for the first time in a month or two to finally finish Illum and went to my stronghold to get something from storage,


While there, I noticed that Torian that the "talk to me" symbol (huh? :confused: Didn't I finish all your conversations during the base story? But if you want to talk, sure, honey, we'll talk.)


And it was THE conversation!!:D


Needless to say I am very happy - and on the way to level another female BH:o

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  • 1 month later...
Folks, I've been playing a female BH, romancing the lovely Torian for the last week or so, and I got all the conversations exactly when they are supposed to occur - at least the ones for someone who chose to embrace becoming Mandalorian.
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