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Interesting bug/game master action while soling tactical flashpoint


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So I'm fighting the first boss in False Emporer and I'm winning when my powers get turned off. Literally can do nothing but take hits. Have had this happen in other games as bot tests and it always ends up with me dieing to this interesting bug. So I do what I learned to do in other games which is cuss out the developers in say.... and got kicked offline. Just like old times. No it wasnt lag cause I saw everything livetime and no warping and mlatency was quite good.


I don\t give a crap if your bored stay the hell out of my flashpoints. If I lose it is my efforts that do it... not a godmode ******* skewing the system. That is one of the reasons you've gone free to play and have so few subscribers you are near folding up. Leave the honest players alone.

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