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how many ops per day?


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Can you only do 1 ops per day or only one ops in group finder? And can you only do the op that advertised in group finder or do other ops have quest givers like flash points. I ask because I did kp tonight and it disappeared from my gf.


ops have one time quest givers - check on Ziost Shadow imp side or Gav Daragon rep side (they're both ships in the respective fleets), plus Dread Fortress and Dread Palace end the Oricon arc, ToS is part of Yavin's and The Ravagers' one time quests starts from a crate at the entrance. Once you've completed these initial quests, you only have the weekly.


Group finder only has 1 storymode op every day but you can do any other op entering the instance directly. Most of the entrances are on the fleet ships i mentioned, Oricon's are on Oricon (duh! ;)), ToS is on yavin and Ravagers' is on Rishi (there are also single ops bosses, Monolith on Ziost, Toborro on Makeb plus 2 more only available during the Rakghoul and Gree events).


Every op has a weekly lockout per mode (storymode, hardmode and Nightmare - KP, EV, ToS and Rav don't have a NiM mode). 8 or 16 man is the same lockout for every mode though.

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TLDR: You can do each operation once per week per character. So once you did the operation today, you are done for the week. However, you can join another operation tomorrow with groupfinder (as that changes each day).

To give a little more info about how operations work:


You can do each mode of any given operation (Storymode, Hardmode, or Nightmare mode, for those that have nightmare) once per week per character. So if you have 4 characters, you can do Dread Palace 12 times each week if you did it on all the modes on all your characters.


Now if you have one character, you can do each operation/mode combo once per week. Since you are asking about groupdfinder, the way that works is you can do the groupfinder operation (it is always a story mode operation, and it rotates on a set schedule going through all 9 or operations.) So every day, you can do a different storymode operation without having to do any extra work than just joining a group that forms on fleet, and clicking the "travel now" button.


If you are interested in going further, as someone mentioned, there are a lot of 1 time quests that go along with these operations. Most of them can be found on the gav daragon/ziost shadow, but dread palace/dread fortress/ravagers/temple of sacrifice all have quests you'd need to pick up elsewhere. And if you want to do an operation that is not groupfinder, you would have to travel to the actual entrance to the operation, and go there (again, most are on Ziost Shadow, but some are on Oricion/Rishi/Yavin 4).

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Can you only do 1 ops per day or only one ops in group finder? And can you only do the op that advertised in group finder or do other ops have quest givers like flash points. I ask because I did kp tonight and it disappeared from my gf.


The dumbest limitation in video games ever put in place by a development team in the history of video games. Do you like our operations? Having fun doing grouped content? Like a particular operation and want to do it again?




1 time per week.


Why? Because of loot? Really? Your gating fun because of your loot table concerns?



Edited by PlagaNerezza
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Thanks for all of the info, several questions though. A 1 time quest giver is mentioned. Does this mean that once you do the op from the quest giver they don't offer the quest again on that character? Also, I assume those ops also have to be done in a group? So you would put a group together, accept the quest and do the op? Is that considered a storymode level op? I would like to play through several of the ops for their story arcs but doing them through gf I rarely see any cut-scenes or backstory.
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Thanks for all of the info, several questions though. A 1 time quest giver is mentioned. Does this mean that once you do the op from the quest giver they don't offer the quest again on that character? Also, I assume those ops also have to be done in a group? So you would put a group together, accept the quest and do the op? Is that considered a storymode level op? I would like to play through several of the ops for their story arcs but doing them through gf I rarely see any cut-scenes or backstory.


The quest giver is irrelevant to the mode setting. The mode is set by the group leader if you want to do more than 8-man story mode. You can have the quest in the log anytime. The quest is not needed to do the mission. Its a bonus.

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The dumbest limitation in video games ever put in place by a development team in the history of video games. Do you like our operations? Having fun doing grouped content? Like a particular operation and want to do it again?




1 time per week.


Why? Because of loot? Really? Your gating fun because of your loot table concerns?




It has been this way since the dawn of MMOs. this is NOT just a BW thing.

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Thanks for all of the info, several questions though. A 1 time quest giver is mentioned. Does this mean that once you do the op from the quest giver they don't offer the quest again on that character? Also, I assume those ops also have to be done in a group? So you would put a group together, accept the quest and do the op? Is that considered a storymode level op? I would like to play through several of the ops for their story arcs but doing them through gf I rarely see any cut-scenes or backstory.


For every operation, like everything else in this game there is a story behind it. The one time quest giver is the start of that story. Long story short...most of the operations' stories go something like this:


1. NPC on fleet/planet calls you to their office/war room/just pulls you aside

2. you go there and talk to the NPC

3. NPC explains a threat to the galaxy and asks you to try to deal with it

4. you accept the mission

5. you get a group together and complete the operation

6. you go back to the NPC and say, "mission accomplished. threat eliminated."

7. NPC says "good job"

8. you get a mission reward


There are three that are more involved than the above: Dread Fortress, Dread Palace, and Temple of Sacrifice.


The first two are the culmination of the Oricon story line. You can start that story arc solo, there is a heroic mission, and then you are told to go into the Dread Fortress, once you beat the Dread Fortress, you are told to go to the Dread Palace. Once you beat the Dread Palace you get a closing story conversation and reward.


Temple of Sacrifice is culmination of the Shadow of Revan expansion. On Yavin you are given the choice to form a strike team or rally the troops. The former is running the ToS operation, the latter is doing a bunch of daily missions.


You can complete this one time story mission by completing any difficulty level of the operation: Story Mode, Hard Mode, Nightmare Mode. It does not matter which difficulty you defeat the final boss on, the one time mission reward is the same. Because Story Mode is the easiest to complete, most players choose to complete the one time story mission using the story mode difficulty.


And yes, operations do have to be completed in a group but not everyone in the group HAS to have that story mission. In fact it does not matter when you get the story mission:


Option 1: get the story mission then form the group

Option 2: form the group then get the story mission


The only difference between the two is that the latter will offer you to opportunity to have that conversation with the NPC in a group setting and therefore get social points (most players do not bother, they just start the conversation alone).


Heck there is even an option 3: start the operation without getting the story mission, realize that you did not get the story mission, and so long as you do not kill the last boss, you can leave the instance go get the story mission and then go back and complete it.

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It has been this way since the dawn of MMOs. this is NOT just a BW thing.


Everyone does it this way is the answer for limiting fun in your game? Can you only play as the Jets 1 time in Super Techmo Bowl? In Golf games can you only play the Master 1 time per day? So ya MMO's like to do gating of content. It makes no sense, but they LOVE doing it.


Limit 1 per Week per character should be changed. If I want to run it 50 times a day who cares? Who exactly is this hurting? What is this exactly preventing? It a left over from the days MMO developer arrogance. People can get faster movement and mounts at level 10 and 15. Its a dumb attitude that does nothing but keep customers unhappy. Especially the group that don't have leveled alts like I have who can simply flip over and do it again if I want to. I don't see a limit on HM FP's. Why operations? What about the operations is so special?

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Everyone does it this way is the answer for limiting fun in your game? Can you only play as the Jets 1 time in Super Techmo Bowl? In Golf games can you only play the Master 1 time per day? So ya MMO's like to do gating of content. It makes no sense, but they LOVE doing it.


Limit 1 per Week per character should be changed. If I want to run it 50 times a day who cares? Who exactly is this hurting? What is this exactly preventing? It a left over from the days MMO developer arrogance. People can get faster movement and mounts at level 10 and 15. Its a dumb attitude that does nothing but keep customers unhappy. Especially the group that don't have leveled alts like I have who can simply flip over and do it again if I want to. I don't see a limit on HM FP's. Why operations? What about the operations is so special?


I that would be so then the game would run out of content even faster. The only thing people are doing now is gearing, getting 224 gear from HM Prio ops for the main, alt and 24th alt. If you would be able to do operations more times then you would gear your toon in a matter of hours, which would mean there would be nothing for you to do in a week. With the lockout system and Priority ops rotation ppl have something to do for weeks, if not monhts.


However, whats sad is that ppl dont even need or use that 224 gear, since no one can do NiMs now.

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You could in theory do every operation in all of their modes in a day, because the limit is 1 of a mode then a lockout. Is it humanly possible... meh if you stay up playing operations for 24 hours others may think you arent human anymore.

And of course assuming that you dont have any lockouts already.

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