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More Imperial Trooper armor similar to Bounty Hunter and Republic Trooper plz


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Devs any chance you can add more Imperial trooper armor into the game for imperial agents like how it is for bounty hunter and republic trooper? I know of the current imperial trooper armors in the game while those are nice additions I and many others feel more imperial trooper armor is needed in the game useable on players. A good start would be to add the armours into the game as seen on various imperial trooper npcs throughout the republic trooper storyline and regular galaxy static imperial trooper npcs examples:


this 1 looks pretty good and would be a nice addition to the game (plz no one say its makeb armor i know what it is and its not useable by players, plz dont troll the thread)




The Hoth Imperial trooper armor looks pretty cool as well, i know collectors edition imp troop armor can wear a white and grey dye but this one looks substantially better and should be added to the game



plz devs plz add these in when you get time they would make a great addition to the game! :)

also accessibility would be nice too so more imperial agents can be seen running around thx.

Edited by NeoNSoNicXJR
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  • 3 weeks later...

Without wishing to get into the semantics of spy versus agent provocateur versus other kinds of agents, I'd just note that the Imperial Agent falls into the category of job commonly called "spy". The Agent *isn't* a soldier, and isn't a bounty hunter either.


Since the agent is not a soldier, "uniform" armour like that worn by Imperial troopers (note small 't') would seem inappropriate unless the agent is hiding himself in the role of a trooper. (I don"t recall anything like that in the story, but it is the story I've been closest to just spacebarring through the first time, so I may have missed something.)


Certain parts of the story involve a cover identity that might suit bounty-hunter type armour, but there's already plenty of that that an IA can wear.

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Without wishing to get into the semantics of spy versus agent provocateur versus other kinds of agents, I'd just note that the Imperial Agent falls into the category of job commonly called "spy". The Agent *isn't* a soldier, and isn't a bounty hunter either.


Since the agent is not a soldier, "uniform" armour like that worn by Imperial troopers (note small 't') would seem inappropriate unless the agent is hiding himself in the role of a trooper. (I don"t recall anything like that in the story, but it is the story I've been closest to just spacebarring through the first time, so I may have missed something.)


Certain parts of the story involve a cover identity that might suit bounty-hunter type armour, but there's already plenty of that that an IA can wear.


What a class is, is not relevant. This is what people wish to wear.


According to your belief that everything should be locked into what a class is. There should be no slave wear, no dancers silks, no covert armor, no revealing armor, no senatorial armor, no formal wear, no diplomatic outfits, no droid armor....see where I am going with this? 70% of the armor we have would need to be removed from the game to go along with your idea. The remaining 30% would need to be class locked, can't have anyone but sith warriors wearing the vindicator armor after all! As it sure doesn't fit any other classes theme.


Agent's having Imperial Trooper armor makes sense. Medics, scouts, skirmishers...all would fit there.

This is a request for looks that we really don't have much of available.

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What a class is, is not relevant. This is what people wish to wear.


According to your belief that everything should be locked into what a class is. There should be no slave wear, no dancers silks, no covert armor, no revealing armor, no senatorial armor, no formal wear, no diplomatic outfits, no droid armor....see where I am going with this? 70% of the armor we have would need to be removed from the game to go along with your idea. The remaining 30% would need to be class locked, can't have anyone but sith warriors wearing the vindicator armor after all! As it sure doesn't fit any other classes theme.


Agent's having Imperial Trooper armor makes sense. Medics, scouts, skirmishers...all would fit there.

This is a request for looks that we really don't have much of available.


I'd like to add that as an agent you do a lot of stuff that would really be more along the lines of Special Forces tasks. Especially once you're done with your class story, there isn't really any spying going on anymore. No reason not to wear imperial armour when you're not infiltrating anything.

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What a class is, is not relevant. This is what people wish to wear.


According to your belief that everything should be locked into what a class is. There should be no slave wear, no dancers silks, no covert armor, no revealing armor, no senatorial armor, no formal wear, no diplomatic outfits, no droid armor....see where I am going with this? 70% of the armor we have would need to be removed from the game to go along with your idea. The remaining 30% would need to be class locked, can't have anyone but sith warriors wearing the vindicator armor after all! As it sure doesn't fit any other classes theme.


Agent's having Imperial Trooper armor makes sense. Medics, scouts, skirmishers...all would fit there.

This is a request for looks that we really don't have much of available.


Not only that but I would like to be able to mix and match different parts of sets to create a unique look as well.

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What a class is, is not relevant. This is what people wish to wear.


According to your belief that everything should be locked into what a class is. There should be no slave wear, no dancers silks, no covert armor, no revealing armor, no senatorial armor, no formal wear, no diplomatic outfits, no droid armor....see where I am going with this? 70% of the armor we have would need to be removed from the game to go along with your idea. The remaining 30% would need to be class locked, can't have anyone but sith warriors wearing the vindicator armor after all! As it sure doesn't fit any other classes theme.


Agent's having Imperial Trooper armor makes sense. Medics, scouts, skirmishers...all would fit there.

This is a request for looks that we really don't have much of available.

My point, inadequately expressed, was that it seems like an odd thing to ask for, for the reasons I outlined. (Also: scouts and skirmishers are *soldiers* - light infantry - not Intelligence agents.)


Diplomatic outfits *aren't* "inappropriate", at least not for the JC. The JC *is* a diplomat, and the IA could conceivably have a story element that implies posing as a diplomat. Equally, there are situations where a diplomatic outfit would be interesting for a Smuggler, too.


Covert armour (well, OK, the gloves and belt, anyway) has a use - my DvL Sentinel wears, some of the time, anyway, the Relnex set with Covert gloves, and sometimes we don't like the look of any belt on a particular piece of armour.


But of course for RP and RP-lite(1) purposes, whatever we want is fine. (But I think heavy trooper armour is a weird thing to RP on an agent...) I often fill an outfit slot with the thermal gear when I get to Hoth, especially on an agent, or with the K23 hazmat suit for Quesh and *those* parts of Imp Balmorra.


(1) The distinction: "RP" is, well, RP. "RP-lite" is following the main story, but sticking to what makes sense when playing the various stages. For (my) Agents, that means the Red Blade set for (part of) Hutta, and for pretty much everyone that means K23 on Quesh (exception: troopers are presumed to have adequate seals on their normal armour, and the same is true for BHes) and thermal gear on Hoth. Again, exception: troopers with backpack armour are presumed to have proper climate control equipment in the pack, so their normal armour is fine. It means using a scruffy-looking speeder on Nar Shaddaa or Belsavis, an enclosed speeder or a Tauntaun on Hoth, a nice shiny speeder on the capital world (perhaps not in the gunkier parts of Coruscant), etc. It also means that a Smuggler on Voss wears a smart-looking outfit (formal or diplomatic or statesman, something like that), because the contact who sends you there insists on it.


And it means that my Guardianette Tikreva'tarsil runs around most of the class story and SoR wearing a dancer top and Darth Andeddu shorts because, well, that's who she is. (In KotFE post Chapter VII, she has calmed down, and now wears the appearance of the 208 crystal gear from Fleet.)

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This game is a little lacking for players especially the closest class that imperial trooper armor is designed for, operatives, snipers, since 1 uses blaster rifles and 1 uses sniper rifles along with a knife more adaptive imperial trooper armor would go well especially on an Imperial Agent since they use the weapons most Imperial Troopers use. Not to say this armor shouldn't be available for all classes if the developers put it in I hope its adaptive and quite accessible like the other imperial trooper armors (also adaptive) so everyone can use them.


Another thing to note on the Imperial side the Soldier themed armor really is lacking (not enough available). So far when compared to Republic or Star Wars Galaxies Galactic Empire side, there is Bko Combustion which is like Scout Trooper armor only black similar to SWG Scout Trooper armor and republic armor with the recon head. (that looks like galactic empire scout trooper helmet) Then there is Makeb armor available on Makeb reputation vendor (forgot the exact name but some vendor) which is Imperial Trooper armor only white with a different helmet, then there is Volatile Shock Trooper armor which is an Imperial Trooper armor variant that is grey with no Sith Empire insignia. Then finally there is the Collectors Edition Vendor which houses the Imperial Trooper armor that u see on the intro videos of the game, Probably the best 1 available. But still, more is needed and more accessible than 200+ bucks to get some.


My point is seeing how Sith Empire is a spin off of Galactic Empire there should definately be more Imperial Trooper armor variants made available for wearing throughout the game. Especially for Imperial Agents / Operatives / Snipers. Since that is THE class to go to for the closest resemblance for a real Imperial Soldier, the only reason you may not see this is cause the armor isn't readily available, more needs to be in the game and readily available like some officer uniforms for Imperial Agent / Operative / Sniper.


Should be easy enough for the developers when they get enough time. Numerous and countless numbers of Imperial Trooper armor seen on various npcs on the republic and Imperial story lines are already available and programmed into the game, they just need to be craftable for armormech or put into the cartel market. All of them should be added to the game as adaptive through armormech, or cartel market, if the developers have no better ideas. Would definately increase the amount of Imperial Agent / Operative / Sniper players in the game since they would finally have real armor to wear as opposed to just the clothing that imperial officers have. Not saying that's bad but just saying Imperial Agent really does fall under the category of Imperial Officer uniforms and Imperial Soldier uniforms. While all the other Imperial classes would make a close 2nd , 3rd, etc. (and also Imperial agent is lacking good armors at the moment). While you could look at Smuggler on the Republic side since they made a lot of Republic Soldier armors adaptive now smugglers / scoundrel / gunslinger that use pistols can finally wear trooper armor over there so even they look sweet. Its just Imperial Agent / Operative / Sniper that is lacking now when it comes to armor.


You can wear Bounty Hunter armor with Agent since some are now adaptive so you can look cool sporting a rifle or sniper rifle with BH armor so that's pretty cool. But my main point is more Imperial Trooper armor needs to be readily available for the Imperial side like how trooper armor is available on the republic side. trooper armor is practically non existent on the imperial side. So developers, please make it happen, this is sorely needed and I'm sure turns a lot of new players off of Imperial Agent since there isn't much Officer / Soldier uniforms for the agent. which is the closest class that would use those types of outfits.



Edited by NeoNSoNicXJR
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  • 9 months later...
Without wishing to get into the semantics of spy versus agent provocateur versus other kinds of agents, I'd just note that the Imperial Agent falls into the category of job commonly called "spy". The Agent *isn't* a soldier, and isn't a bounty hunter either.


Since the agent is not a soldier, "uniform" armour like that worn by Imperial troopers (note small 't') would seem inappropriate unless the agent is hiding himself in the role of a trooper. (I don"t recall anything like that in the story, but it is the story I've been closest to just spacebarring through the first time, so I may have missed something.)


Certain parts of the story involve a cover identity that might suit bounty-hunter type armour, but there's already plenty of that that an IA can wear.


Inteligence Operatives have access to best weapons and armors their empire can provide them - why they can't use modernized/improved imp armor when they don't do typical spy mission and more special forces type stuff which is plenty in story. Like Dromund Kaas jungle mission or Hoth military operation. Which armor should be using is decision made by individual field operative(I wan't light gear? I take my standard imperial uniform. Mission involve lot of heavy fighting? I take heavy armor. Many field agents in story on certain planets also wear uniforms.

Plenty of the story involve a cover identity that suit to using imp trooper armor and disquises themself as imp lower ranking officer(plenty of them wear imp armors): War for Corelia or Taris is example when Agent should disquise(better is not target himself to all enemy forces on entire planet) himself as a part of Empire Forces stationed on planet surface.



BTW: when war for Corelia begun Imperial Agent is moved to Imperial Army... so it's another thing that fit to wearing imp armor.



As a Bounty Hunter/Merc character wearing part of imperial armour may be for RP purposes. Being ex-imperial special forces operative or just buing armor from imperials or from black market. Dengar is example of merc using imperial gear.


Personally I would like to see 2 types of imp armor: Oryginal lt. Pierce and whole Shadow Fist unit armor(kinda heavy armor type), armour used by imperial special forces on makeb (camouflaged, lighter version). I think they both have imperial special forces insignia on pauldrons and imperial crest on right side chestplate.

Edited by Davook
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