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About companions ( minor spoilers )


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I am a Sith, I am evil.


In chapter 16, things didn't go entirely my way but hey whatever. I can understand not being able to stop a certain someone stealing a certain item because i'm elsewhere. However, when the master ( who admits he's a shmuck , not even a jedi knight ) insults you in your face ... why did i not get the option of slicing off his face with my lightsaber ? I mean come on, we can refuse a Dashade , lock up or murder a Xaleesh Sith for being too evil ... in other recruitment alerts.


But we cannot brutally murder an unarmed smuck who insults us in our face ?


I played the ending of KOTFE yesterday, as well as the recruitment of the tuna with a stick last night. I really feel like i'm being pissed on. My sith has become a regular piss ant who gets verbal abuse and can't even do **** about it.


This sucks and i'm fed up with this. Can you please in the future write more realistic stories ?


No more mister nice guy , no more "oooh i lost a bet to you, the insulting ******e and all i can do is admit it"


Starting now, I would ilke to see in SWTOR the option of murdering some more companions who piss you off or are too stupid to live.


Like Senya in chapter 4 i think ... "i feel watched here" ... reply "i'll close my eyes and sing a song"


And then I did not have the option to slice her face off ?


*** ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????


Having Arcann survive that encounter would have been meaningfull and logical if I had been dumb enough to take the ***** with me, knowing she was his mother and thus potentially a loose cannon. Why had we not the option of leaving her at the base and eliminating that idiotically predictable outcome ?



So please BW , please write stories and options that are at least in some farfetched way logical ?

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