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My boring predictions for season 2 and onwards....


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Quite straight forward but tbh I wouldn't be surprised to see Bioware do this just to keep it going...


Recap Season 1:

- (Start) Valkorian is defeated and Arcann takes the throne

- (End) Scorpio takes the fleet, Arcann is defeated, Vaylin takes the throne


Season 2 Prediction:

- Arcann and Senya join up and become allies with the alliance

- Scorpio is defeated, Vaylin dies or goes into exile, Valkorian betrays us for good and takes the throne back...

- Most of the alliance will be completely destroyed fighting Scorpio and Vaylin


Season 3 Prediction:

- Valkorian/ Vitiate (the main SWTOR enemy) is finally the villain again

- Valkorian will end up being defeated and Zakkul will finally be destroyed or we take the throne or something idk... Either way Knights of the Fallen whatever will be concluded for good.



A lot of stuff in between may happen but overall I think this is how the story may play out when it's all said and done....

Edited by Newyankalt
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My hopes for the future of this story since they want to drag KotFE out for who knows how long. Is that my SI gets to destroy Empress Acina publicly, and brutally for the entire galaxy to see! Seduce Vaylin, and with her crush all the pathetic remnants of the once powerful sith empire. (Not that anything close to that will or would be allowed to occur)
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