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Light side sith warrior has the aptitude to be the most deadliest combatant ever


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They way I understand it (yes I am aware that I might be alone in this opinion)


Sith warrior is a combat/warfare specialised class.


When jedi and sith duel


The sith is usualy pure offense. Sith channels his anger into combat so they fight aggresively.

When sith is channeling his emotions, he cannot fight smart. The emotions he channels draw him foward. Basicaly it gives him the urge to beat you into a pulp no matter what, so in theory a dark side powered sith should have no time for smart fighting or defensive tactics. None of this doesn't mean that they are just madly dashing at you.


Dark jedi is madly dashing at you, as they lack the sith training to channel and control emotions, dark jedi becomes overhelmed. Jedi are taught to stay in control, but nobody teaches them how to return to normal when they break.


Now the light side sith


Trained in combat, should have far more specialised and deep knowledge and experience in combat and warfare than jedi. Since jedi's training is mostly based on protecting themselves and others, where the sith warriors are taught to kill and conquer.


So lets say that this LS warrior has top grades in warfare, combat and dueling.

but because he is light side, he has the the capacity to "think" during a battle.


So dark sith warrior is like a bulldozer. It will try to overhelm you and run you over.

Jedi will fight you the best his experience and skill allows but will refuse to cross his moral boundaries and beliefs


but LS warrior will not be bound by jedi morality and will not waste his strenght in full offense.

LS warrior has the capacity to bring lethal tricks, tactics and manipulation because they are clear headed unlike a dark channeling warrior.


LS warrior will be analyzing you during the fight and will use your own mind and flaws against you.


Ls warrior is that kind of enemy that is always one step ahead of you in battle.


Now try to find any character from any universe, any show or history who would qualify as a light sith warrior in combat.


I would say Gin Ichimaru from bleach :)

Edited by Deshiel
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Thats just me , but I think a few Sith proved that one can be calm and collected while using the dark side . But I think it take longer to gain that kind of...calmness in comparaison to a Light side Sith .


For exemple , Lana and Marr . Both seemed being able to draw from the dark side without the overflow of emotions that some sith showed .


Sith that draw from the dark side and going all ruthless and without any inner calm , that Sith you fight in Essel ? It is a flashpoint . Low level one , and you meet this sith that goes nuts on you .


Another is that Jedi that turn dark side to beat you..what is his name..old master of Jaessa .

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So a sith that can do what you described well I have one Darth Malgus at the time of the sacking of the Republic Capital he basically defeated his opponent with amazing strategy making him think he is in control before taking him by surprise and finish him.
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When sith is channeling his emotions, he cannot fight smart.

Sure he can. Many of them *don't*, or rather, they just let their emotions run wild. A Sith who focuses and channels his anger or whatever will be able to use it as a tool. (Ref: Lana's remark when you tell her to do in Tanek. Lana is *not* a light-side Sith.)

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