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SRW Open Challenge Nights


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Every week SRW is going to try to pick one night to fly together. The servers will likely be Harbinger, Jedi Covenant, and Shadowlands. We'll try to give at least one day of notice ahead of time. The idea is simple. We queue up with whatever pilots are available, and hopefully we get some fierce competition from forums viewers and server locals. If the competition on any day isn't strong enough, we will probably split up the teams and send some guys over to the opposite faction.


As a bonus! Lompi will be streaming the games, including voice from teamspeak. We're currently working on a system that will allow 4 of us to stream at the same time/screen, so you will be able to see the battle unfold from the perspective of a bomber, gunship, and scout.



The first fight night will be on Harbinger this Tuesday August 2nd starting at 8pm EST and going til at least 12pm (probably later if the games are good). We'll be on Republic side. So form up some double premades and come beat us up!

Edited by RickDagles
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So apparently Lompi's mic wasn't synced to OBS. As a result, you'll hear me and Vexxial sound crazy talking to a ghost.


Pretty poor turnout last night. We ended up splitting uphalf our group to imp side. Thanks to Halkian and Renolds for coming out.

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