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Missing Light Side Points on Tatooine


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Has anyone else experienced this bug?


I was doing the Tatooine Class Quests on my DvL Jedi Knight last night and for some reason, sparing Lord Praven and convincing him to become a Jedi didn't net me any Light Side Points even though I know it's supposed to. Nor did destroying the Shock Drum on the following mission.


How am I supposed to contribute to getting the Chiss Jedi companion if my alignment rewards are broken?



Update: So, I submitted a ticket about this and got a largely automated response telling me how conversations and rewards work and that if I've already cashed the missions, there's nothing they can do.

Yeah, thank you, Captain Obvious. I've only been here since before Rise of the Hutt Cartel. I know how they work. Luckily, I didn't cash the second mission so I can reset that and try again, but that's not the point.

The point was that the missions bugged out on me and even though I was picking options that I know are meant to be worth Light Side Points, I didn't get the Light Side icon or any other indication that I was actually earning Light Side Points, not from the conversation choice, and not when the mission was cashed.


Why must these things break?

Edited by JediAkemi
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