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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sugestion about in game Emperor


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I have sugestion about in game Emperor.If is posible i want to ask you to allow me to my Char Sith Juggernaut THERON MARR JINN become in game Emperor and have title Emperor and same abilitis like Valkorion.I ask that because i want to give new edge to RP server ( English /Europa ) and begun RP story for my self and many frends ho are bored with not quality RP based on duels and boring giberish.I think that it will be very interesting to se how ppl will react when se Real ingame Emperor ho can comand them to Kneal,tos them in walls and around,electrocute and choke them and they cant resist,evade and parry.Please ansver me by sending youre respond on Email . Thanks in advance and i wait in hope of positive respond Cheers.
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  • 4 weeks later...

On a side note to this, there could be an option to allow guild titles to show. For instance if, in guild my rank title is Legatus, where it says what guild I'm in could say:


< Legatus of Epic Destiny>


Or offer to put the title as a prefix (or suffix) on the same line of my name:


Legatus Keraejis

Keraejis the Legatus


Now that would be great imo.


Then you could get your guild to make a rank for you called Emporer and use that as your title for RP. Of course this could open it up for a lot of exploitation:


Keraejis the (censored!)

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Far be it from me to be one to point out horrible spelling and grammar, as my own leaves much to be desired often, but the original poster seems to be a horrible choice for such a thing even if it did exist. You would want someone who can type well and clearly without error.


This of course ignores the fact that this is an absolutely horrible idea.

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Far be it from me to be one to point out horrible spelling and grammar, as my own leaves much to be desired often, but the original poster seems to be a horrible choice for such a thing even if it did exist. You would want someone who can type well and clearly without error.


This of course ignores the fact that this is an absolutely horrible idea.


I don't know... he does seem to have some of the 'caveman smash' vibe i got from playing the sith stories..


Also, wouldn't it be a boring experience waiting in that one phase for jedi after jedi to come kill you to complete their story? I guess different play styles for different peeps right?

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Far be it from me to be one to point out horrible spelling and grammar,

Then don't. The errors are those of a second-language speaker, not a first-language ignoramus. Can you use *his* native language as well as he uses English? (I'm guessing somewhere in Central/Eastern Europe, based on not very much at all.)


On the criterion above, I can criticise the use of English by French people, because my French is almost universally better than their English. (Seven years living in France but outside Paris(1) and working in a French-speaking office forces a person to learn a reasonable level of French(2), easily enough to pass the language requirement for applying for naturalisation.)


(1) An old friend, English like me, lives in Paris and she commented on the relatively high level of English there. I live near Lille, and the general level of English here is ... lower.


(2) There are, despite this, British people who live in France for decades without acquiring much more French than knowing that "bonjour" means "goodbye".(3)


(3) It doesn't mean that. It's a joke.

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