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Guildship Missing


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I know there are various threads on this issue, but after a conversation with a CS rep over the phone, I was told to just start a new thread, and 'hopefully if all your guildies respond to the thread, they will notice".


This has happened to my guild a while ago, Ingenium Securities on the Ebonhawk server. About two weeks ago now. We were first told to have someone who was on the guild ship log in. But there is no one on the guild ship.


Then we were told a few other irrelevant work around a that didn't matter, because we have no one on the guild ship.


Like many others, our guild ship has dissapeared.


We put in a ticket they tell us to submit a bug report. We submit a bug report and they give us no response. We have called in multiple times to customer service, they give us the run-around that 'we cannot touch anything game side, only accounts and logins'. When asked to be transferred to someone who CAN help us, we are given to a 'manager' who tells us the exact same thing. Except this time we are told that there is no way to transfer us to anyone over at technical who might fix the issue.


So here's my last attempt that someone on the technical side of things returns our guild ship to us, or we're refunded the cost of our lost ship, or something, I don't even know at this point. I'm just attempting to get things fixed.

Edited by dynosian
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We've been actively working to finish our ship for months, concentrating in the last few, and we now even have all the parts for the last 3 unlocks but haven't been able to complete this. So months of guild effort and over a hundred million credits in unlocks are just ... gone.
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It also hinders our ability to run events for our multiple guild members during the week and any public events that we would like to participate in that require the use of a guild ship summon or would like to use the guild ship as a hub for our members.
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It is unsatisfactory that is has been over two weeks without access to a feature that a guild of almost fifty people have all worked hard to achieve. The only hope we have (according to the CSR on the phone), is that when the server gets rebooted it -MIGHT- fix the issue. What kind of customer service is that? I have found posts about the same problem over a year old. Don't you think it's time to do something about the problem causing the bug? Edited by Zolmaat
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It is sort of strange that the issue has persisted this long. Given how much time and effort goes into building something like this up, one would think that major problems/bugs like this would be quickly noticed and at least responded to, if not immediately corrected. If there's an ETA on a fix for this bug, even if not immediately, it would be nice to know, rather than just leaving us all in the dark like this.
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We've been contacted by community management, so it appears we've got some traction going on the issue. Thank you to those who are (hopefully) now investigating the issue and resolving a solution. And thanks to those who have shown support (and restraint) in helping us get this issue noticed.

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