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Having a problem with Vette romance


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I'll admit that I've never romanced Vette before. From Day 1 I was always annoyed that, when playing a male toon, 3 of the 4 starting dark side companions are romance-able yet 2 of them are (essentially light-side) as is the later Assassin/Sorcerer option. As a result, I always romanced Jaesa if my toon was male.


This is the first time I've played a Sith Warrior since 4.0 and I'm not sure what's gone wrong. Originally, I wasn't going to romance Vette this time either. I shocked her up until the point where you can't progress with her story anymore and suddenly decided to do a switch and romance her instead. So, I took the collar off and everything seemed to be proceeding smoothly (I got the missions from her that I expected to get). But there hasn't been a "Flirt" available for the last 2½ worlds (or so). The last "Flirt" dialogue I had with her was when she showed surprise that I, as a powerful Sith, picked her and she asks "Seriously?" and the Flirt response is: "Seriously." Since then I've found and rescued her sister and am looking for her mother. I also recovered the Twilek artifact though I don't recall exactly when that took place. She approves of all of that but I'm now starting Chapter 4 which seems awfully late to still not be romancing her.


I can't help but feel that I've missed something but I can't figure out what. The pre-4.0 romance guides I've looked at seem to indicate I should be farther along than I am.



Edited by Dweomerknight
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So I'm not really doing anything wrong but since I started romancing her later than I might have it's taking longer to complete, correct?


And the lack of Flirting is just how her story goes at this point in time?


From my memory, Vette really didn't seem to have that many flirt options. So, possibly on track.


See if youtube has the full romance and convos to compare.

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With Vette, just take her collar off during your first talk and always flirt with her when you get the option. Yeah, she is light side, but even if she strongly hates your darkside choices, you will still get positive points with her. You don't lose points with companions any more.
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