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It's Official: Thrawn is canon!


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Also, Timothy Zahn himself approved of what was done with Thrawn in Rebels, and I doubt he would have done that had they butchered him.

They could've butchered him all they wanted and Zahn still wouldn't have said anything because he quite likes taking their cheques. Same reason Drew Karpyshyn hasn't said anything about what they did to Bane in Clone Wars and if asked would probably just give some diplomatic answer about "exciting new character directions" or something.


As for the rest, it's all Disney ******** as far as I'm concerned. Yes I'm aware the Disney CEO is not personally bathing in EU fans' tears. Doesn't change the fact that the Story Group still ****ed us over and continue to do so under the Disney umbrella, and for the most part all of them used to have mostly the same jobs back when Lucas ran things. So what's different? Who their masters are. And so I lay the blame at their feet.

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What continuity in the old EU? There were never any guidelines for a strict continuity in the books made, as there have been stories that contradicted others. The only stipulation GL gave was that none of his characters die in the stories; everything else was fair game. GL himself said he never read any of the EU, and as far as he's concerned the only canon ones were the movies and anything connected to them. The timelines outside the movies were never canon for him.


The rules of Canon. G Canon, C Canon, S Canon, N Canon. These levels existed for a reason. Sometimes certain things did contradict but the way canon works the newer source takes precedent over the older source. Aka ret-conning the previous source. By virtue of this happening there are no contradictions. Because if you find one the old one is overwritten. Thus no more contradiction. Unless the level of Canon was higher than the source. Example. If a C Canon source contradicts a G Canon source then the C Canon source was never canon to begin with. There was quite a bit of continuity in the old canon. In fact, novels that take place after ROTJ followed the same time line and plot.

Edited by Rhyltran
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