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ideas for KOTFE / Season 2


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Hello, I have been playing SWTOR since Rise of the Hutt Cartel. I also have played KOTFE and I have to say...awesome job! I have some ideas, you may not want to here them but please if you could, it may bring some appeal to you and you could do them.


1) In Season 2...

have a bunch of Jedi and / or Sith be a chapter. Like Mandalores Revenge. But they were brought together by Satele and Marr. That's where the force wanted them ( so they learned what Marr + Satele taught the Outlander ). Include: Kira, Ashara, Jaesa, maybe Scourge. etc. maybe some new characters. And have them also appear in the Force Enclave.


2) New Star Fortresses....


Reason: Keep an eye on arms production

Dromund Kaas / Coruscant

Reason: Blockade Cap Worlds


Reason: Valuable Weaponized Chemicals or something like that

Tython / Korriban

Reason: Watch Force Sensitives / Heart of Leaders (sort of ish)


Reason: Come up with one bros!




3) Update To Current Resistance Fighters....

Have it so that the Higher the Resistance Fighters Influence is... more other guys ( as shown in the camps on Odessen ) show up.


4) Have Alliance Specialist (s) Influence Cap go up!


5) I have more, but I will await an email to see if you would like so other ideas...I am sure you guys have enough that are better... but please as a gamer I would LOVE to see these come into focus.

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Those are some cool ideas! Personally I would want the companion missions back, they could be done at anytime, but are sort of subjective to influence level and content completed. So like, if a certain chapter isn't done yet, it itsn't mentioned/doesn't affect the conversation
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2) New Star Fortresses....


Reason: Keep an eye on arms production

Dromund Kaas / Coruscant

Reason: Blockade Cap Worlds


Reason: Valuable Weaponized Chemicals or something like that

Tython / Korriban

Reason: Watch Force Sensitives / Heart of Leaders (sort of ish)


Reason: Come up with one bros!



no more star fortress they are boring un challenging messes


instead we get

new flashpoints

new operations

make the star fortresses we have better and add them to group finder with tactical and HM mode

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More group finder content. Basically work on converting all the game content to have solo, tactical and hard modes. In the announcement it said that the new expansion will be co-op I hope that instead of the existing chapter based system that each "chapter" functions more like a flashpoint or heroic instead that you can queue for. Then update and convert existing content where you can queue in group finder for a planet's heroics and they automatically get added to your quest log as you complete each one. Be able to replay season 1 on hard mode in a group. Group finder for star fortress, eternal championship etc.


So have bosses and difficulty modes for each chapter and then be able to replay the chapter multiple times. Maybe you have to play through on solo mode first and whatever decisions you make are official to your character but then you can play through again with a group.

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  • 4 weeks later...

More ideas incoming!!!!!


1) Have the Alliance Camps expand... I mean come on! Pub and Imps are apparently joining like crazy! Add guys in there! And the Gravestone is now gone ( DS Only )...why not add a fleet in the sky!!


2) The Specialists are always saying "LOOK for recruits while your on your own"...why not make the Story Arcs also have a recruitment option? Like Nar Shadaa, The Shadow Syndicate can join the alliance and help supply them. And Tatooine, based on what choices you make it depends whether those Imps help you or the Sons of Palawa join your army. You know what I mean?


3) Have options in conversations based off of Specialist Influence. E.G. In Chptr 14 when you ask Theron how close we are to an army, I had Aygo at 20 so I thought possibly that Theron would say something like " Well you and Aygo have assembled quite a lot of recruits but it still isn't big enough" or something like that. Maybe in KOTET something like that will happen based on you r Influence / status with the specialists you can have certain convo options.


4) More than one companion recruitment mission...have there be 2 missions with one chapter or something like that...or maybe even a group of comps are in one mission!!! And please add some new guys into the mix...not as many old comps, but some new ones!!!


5) Have KOTET come out with MULTIPLE chapters like KOTFE did. Have it start of with like 8 - 9 chapters or something like that. But PLEASE don't make it like a Rise of The Emperor crap. Make it fun and more engaging. Have it be like those first 9 chapters but more fun and moving. When those 9 came out I was really syked, then Anarchy in Paradise came and I hated it, but the later chapters were really fun...POINT IN THE MATTER: make it fun, moving, push us to our limits, and feel as if we are in the Star Wars Galaxy ( Just like those 1st 9 did ).


6) More on the way!!!

Edited by wursta
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Isn't he unshakable anyway?


That's exactly WHY interrupts don't work. We'd like it if not everything had that annoying buff. It would also help our blood pressure if not every single Zakuul Knight had a stun and/or knockback. I actually even DIED to one of those knockbacks in Chapter 3 after it sent me off the platform into bottomless free-fall. Thank goodness in SWTOR we don't take gear durability loss from death-by-falling like we do in WoW.


I'd like to see a few more Star Fortresses as well, but not that many. The thing is, after the way Chapter 16 ended, I'm not sure it's viable. Maybe it is, maybe not. However, I do agree with the suggestion to first improve the existing Star Fortresses by adding a more challenging option that is completely unsoloable, and can be queued for in GF. I still wouldn't PUG it, but my guild would organize occasional group runs for it. Do that before adding any more. Doing this with the EC would really be nice too, even though I simply don't have enough situational awareness or fast enough reflexes to finish the solo mode. It's why I don't do HM Ops.


And I guarantee you, without a few brand-new FP's and Ops in KOTET, there will be a massive mutiny and thousands upon thousands of subscription cancellations. Enough that EA won't make enough money to finish the expansion.

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That's exactly WHY interrupts don't work. We'd like it if not everything had that annoying buff. It would also help our blood pressure if not every single Zakuul Knight had a stun and/or knockback. I actually even DIED to one of those knockbacks in Chapter 3 after it sent me off the platform into bottomless free-fall. Thank goodness in SWTOR we don't take gear durability loss from death-by-falling like we do in WoW.


I'd like to see a few more Star Fortresses as well, but not that many. The thing is, after the way Chapter 16 ended, I'm not sure it's viable. Maybe it is, maybe not. However, I do agree with the suggestion to first improve the existing Star Fortresses by adding a more challenging option that is completely unsoloable, and can be queued for in GF. I still wouldn't PUG it, but my guild would organize occasional group runs for it. Do that before adding any more. Doing this with the EC would really be nice too, even though I simply don't have enough situational awareness or fast enough reflexes to finish the solo mode. It's why I don't do HM Ops.


And I guarantee you, without a few brand-new FP's and Ops in KOTET, there will be a massive mutiny and thousands upon thousands of subscription cancellations. Enough that EA won't make enough money to finish the expansion.


I gotcha bro!

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  • 1 month later...



1) Donating War Supplies increases Influence:

Some people make War Supplies for Conquest yet don't have a guild, or even make them then get booted! There are over a billion people playing this game I am sure I am not the only one this has happened to. But what if we could donate them to our specialists and they take them and get Influence! ( e.g. Armored Vehicles and Infantry Supplies are for Aygo, Crystal Capacitors for Ol' Doc Hutt, Holocron of Strategy for Sana-Rae,and Star ship Weapons for Hylo. OF course Invasion Force would be increase ALL specialists! Maybe there is a Special Dropbox for this or something like that.


2) Idea for the Eternal Empire:

If and WHEN we take the Eternal Throne we could have some side quests on Zakuul. AS well as be able to explore the ENTIRE planet / spire. Also have their be the ability to increase the Influence ( how much they like you ) of the Scions, Knights, and citizens of Zakuul.


3) What happens to the Alliance:


The Alliance becomes Zakuul's new fighting force, or is a helper for Zakuul. OR something like that. Maybe just keep some of the comps ( including Specialists ) as advisers or something. And if you don't take the Throne, maybe you form a new Empire or Organization out of it. Because, come on, after all that stuff the Alliance went through why disband... am I right, or am I RIGHT?


4) Koth:


In chapter 16, if we bombed Zakuul with Kaliyo back in 10, Koth takes the Gravestone from us. WE should all know that because everyone has at least one DS character right? anyway, if we end up confronting Koth with the Gravestone, PLEASE let us have the opportunity to either kill him, or forgive him. If we kill him, well he's dead and we get back the Gravestone, if we forgive him, then he forgives us! And we get the Gravestone back either way! Some of us had Neutral characters as well and blew up Zakuul, but want our Gravestone back AND KOTH. Please have this happen. And if KOTET has already been 100% created, and you guys don't want to go back, that's fine with me. I get Game Design, don't know how to do it, but had old buds who did. Even won awards for it. So if your already done and CAN'T do it. I understand and bet I'll still enjoy it NO MATTER WHAT!


I am sure that the entire KOTET expansion is done or close to it, so ALL these ideas are fodder, but I still think these are a good idea and would like to see them. And if KOTET is done entirely, then please make #2 an update for those who decided to take the Throne. Thank you!


P.S. I don't know why anyone complains about KOTFE and the game in general. Sure there are sum things I don't agree with either. But I don't yell at you guys and get angry. I am fine with the things that everyone else complains about. I honestly love to play the game because it's a Star Wars game and I can play it and I enjoy it. If so many people are complaining and hate the game now the why continue to play? ( To the Developers: I know that means less profit for you of course, but I would take less profit over people saying they hate my game and / or I ruined it, by the way I don't think that! )

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