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New class and story ideas.


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Ims should get a "Privateer" class with story based around random galactic lore and events happening from Rishi onward, and Pubs should get a "Jedi Explorer" class who has similar story leading into as the pirate.


Get this a "Lost Sith" class for the Imps with story based on discovery of the events just after the newest Fallen Empire story and the Pubs would then get the "Traveler" who has been on the outer rim exploring and who had been caught in a war between a race not previously seen in the galaxy (much like when thrawns society was found.)


Privateer uses pistols in medium range and vibro-Sword in close range like the shotgun secondary it is pulled out when used with-in range.

Advanced classes would be "Pirate" or "Swashbuckler" Pirates would use Laser cannons. Swashbuckler would use Vibro-Sword as primary


Jedi Explorer uses the force with artifacts to amplify his abilities but does not use a lightsaber. Either a light-whip or use of a ranged weapon.

Advanced classes would be "Jedi Ranger" or "Jedi Watchman" Jedi Ranger would use Pistols as his abilities utilizing speed and agility. Jedi Watchman would use a light whip and focus on crowd control through use of AOE artifact casts that are used for extensive periods of time but the player only has one until he decides to cast it in another location. both classes have strong telekinetic abilities in the form of force wave radial.


Lost Sith would use a "glass blade" secondary. (think they are called shikkar.) that is used in several abilities force throw and fractured blade strike. as well as backstab and the like. They would wield a vibro-sword or single sabers.

Advanced classes would be "Ravager" or "Force Master" Ravager would use poison DOTs and force lightning damage while casting attacks. Force master would use acrobatics in conjunction with the force to attack several enemy in a dual using the force to boost his speed and stamina


The Traveler would use a Blaster rifle and secondary pistol in close range shootouts with heavy output like full auto or hail of bolts also it would have a set to stun ability for close range CC.

Advanced classes would be "Weaponer" or "Explorer" Weaponer would use a sniper or a blaster rifle and be capable of using an offhand pistol as well. Explorer would use stealth to initiate attacks without breaking stealth (grenade in the pocket or Poisoned dart) this would allow him to cast an attack before beginning an onslaught with his primary weapon a blaster rifle.


Other Ideas are Shield toting force lance wielding force experts for either side. I really want to see a Yord (Yoda's Species) or a wookiee Jedi who uses specifically Shotos/Greatsaber repectivly


Here is an idea Bioware has story that changes the setting of war. This setting is on a chosen planet for 1week-1month time depending on the participation of players. (a resistence model the more people that participate the harder the battle and the longer it is drawn out.) then the victor is revealed and the loser, then, is discovered with a plot to on another planet either where they are attacking or where there was already a strong presence of their forces. this is what I imagine when we talk about on world pvp. bonuses for resources on planets that you faction has won would be a good incentive to help one side or the other depending on who you craft with... players may even begin crafting split between factions if they want to keep it fresh.

Edited by AlphaSaberS
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Smuggler for the pubs is already classified as a Privateer and no self respecting privateer of any kind would work for the Imps. It goes against the lore since they only want crime they can control such as bounty hunters. A privateer does the job but has the freedom to alter the deal in a way that they can make a substantial profit off of it. The Empire wouldn't allow it.


Also the Jedi classes are natural explorers so having a class called that is redundant at best.

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Actually the point of all my classes is that they are not part of the current war. They are all from outside the happenings so their alliegency would not fall to either. I just put them on the imps side to show that it is intended to be a criminal class not a grey class like the smuggler.


and hey there you go with the beginning of a Bioware story. The imps recruit pirates but the pirates betray them.

Edited by AlphaSaberS
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  • 2 weeks later...
The only way such a thing as a new class would work in Swtor considering the resources it would take would only to have such a new character which is from zakual to run parallel with the knights of the old republic. Maybe even a linked story thus choices you have made as an outlander directly affect this characters story.
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Smuggler for the pubs is already classified as a Privateer and no self respecting privateer of any kind would work for the Imps. It goes against the lore since they only want crime they can control such as bounty hunters. A privateer does the job but has the freedom to alter the deal in a way that they can make a substantial profit off of it. The Empire wouldn't allow it.

Strange definition of a privateer.


There is a spectrum of "ships attacking merchant shipping":

* Commerce raiders are part of the regular navy, real warships tasked with destroying, capturing, or otherwise disrupting enemy merchant shipping (but not as part of a blockade).

* Privateers are privately-owned ships that operate in a specific area against a specific enemy's shipping (e.g. in the Caribbean against Spanish galleons), but otherwise do much the same sort of thing as a commerce raider. The terms of their authorisation are contained in a "letter of marque"(1) issued by the state that wants the work done.

* Pirates are privately-owned ships, much like privateers, but they operate without a letter of marque. A privateer who operates outside the terms of his letter of marque is considered by all parties to be a pirate.


(1) The last war in which letters of marque were issued was the American Civil War. Both sides issued them, but they also employed regular commerce raiders, of which the most successful was Raphael Semmes's CSS Alabama. (I have seen it claimed that he was the most successful commerce raider in the history of warfare, but that's another question, and the answer depends on whether we count *ships* captured or *tonnage*.)

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  • 4 months later...

Tbh if they add any new class, and I do mean any, it will likely be tied to the current story.


Im going to say they will probably do a World of Warcraft and give you a Zakuul Squire as a new class, basically the Death Knight of SWTOR.


You get a somewhat prequel storyline possibly with Thexan during the conquest of the worlds, leading up to the eventual death of Thexan, you're captured, and put into cryostasis, and forgotten by your fellow Zakuul Knights after an unintended betrayal.


People mistake you for the Outlander, and from there, your story basically carries you into the current events. Some dialogue could be added unique to your characters own backstory but most of the stuff stays the same.


The Zakuul Knight gets access to the saber pike and saber pike/shield options, either as a Centurion or a Justicar.


The class would basically operate like a middle man between sith warrior and jedi knight. They are able to pick either the path of healing as a Justicar, using a saber pike and heals to provide order and control over a battlefield, or, they can go down the road of the Centurion, using a pike and shield, protecting their allies from harm as a bulwark of defence while spearing their foes down mercilessly.


They can also equip regular lightsabers as a substitute for the pike.


Other than that, the only class I could ever, see, being added as a non-force user class is something that adds to the old fantasy, an imperial officer or republic spy (similar to the agent only more gurellia focused) could work but beyond that, no, new classes seem unlikely if impossible at this point, maybe a droid class though.

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Tbh if they add any new class, and I do mean any, it will likely be tied to the current story.


Im going to say they will probably do a World of Warcraft and give you a Zakuul Squire as a new class, basically the Death Knight of SWTOR.


I was just thinking the same kinda thing as this, a new class so new players don't have to have anything to do with swtor pre 4.0.

Edited by Monumenta
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OR, your main character(the new playable class) Has been missing from the galaxy for the events of KotET and is introduced at the Eternal terminus, for a Vital role in placement.

The Eternal Fleet is all but defeated. In the aftermath of their escape they are followed by the Alliance into unknown space. The Emperor takes control of the Outlander causing mayhem aboard his ship, long enough for the derelict remnants of the eternal fleet to shuttle onto the cluster of planets and moons of the unnamed system.


**I encourage you all to consider a new addition to maps. Sector space! like what there is now but since this would all take place in a new system on multiple planets of the same system it would make since to fly to the system and see the local map of 5 or so planets with a few additional moons to explore at higher levels. (2 beginner planets 3 progression planets and moons to buffer the progression up to current level cap. All new story for the new classes only. AND new dailies and story for each location that would extend the lore.


The technological sophistication of the locals has not yet allowed them to reach other star systems. BUT Their mastery over biological wave forms has allowed them to master the planet's wildlife completely. Mind control beta wave emitters are used as nerve amplifiers and the peoples are able to react quicker and without fear. The planet of origin was once occupied by Sith who had to abandon their ship. While on the planet the Sith lost their passion for dark destruction and became the force masters of ancient times. Their teachings were passed on and advanced pragmatically. Taught to the hunters who, when bringing home new wildlife (to work as domesticated work animals), would scout the boarders of cities ensuring a safe level of emitters are emplaced at the boarders of their society.

The end of the campaign would lead into the destruction of the beta wave cluster power source, by the escape attempt of the Eternal remnant. With the capital planet's destruction the people would be united by an opportunist leader who demands relocation to a new planet. With the aid of the alliance and the Beta-beasts, they build a fortress planet over the course of stage two. Their leader denounces the need for new beta wave junctions supporting only the mobile beta wave devices.(new Beta-beasts are introduced) They also find their new planet has enough resources to build a fleet of starships. Using technology learned from the republic alliance, they build a planetary defiance force. This planet is greatly locked until level-cap 90 when the new class story ends.


A "Privateer" class with story based around galactic lore who have been hired by the system capital leaders as an army external, and A "Watchman" class who was a local of the planet and has been given orders to assist the Privateer leadership. introduction of the weequay and the nikto species.


A "Lost Sith" class for the story based on discovery of the events just after the newest Fallen Empire story and the "Traveler" who is a fearless rouge operating on several worlds in the system acting as an envoy to the state, much like a senator, with a knack for survivability. introduction of the system local who also have created a crossbred Sith species. (adding more options to the color pallet and customization of the sith character species.)


Privateer uses pistols in medium range and vibro-Sword in close range like the shotgun secondary it is pulled out when used with-in range.

Advanced classes would be "Pirate" or "Swashbuckler" Pirates would use Laser cannons. Swashbuckler would use Vibro-Sword or techblade/lance as primary


Watchman uses the force with artifacts to amplify his abilities but does not use a lightsaber. Either a light-whip or use of a ranged weapon.

Advanced classes would be "Ranger" or "Defender " Ranger would use Pistols as his abilities utilizing speed and agility as well as Betawave CCs. Defender would use a light whip and focus on crowd control through use of AOE betawave casts that are used for extensive periods of time but the player only has one until he decides to cast it in another location. both classes have strong telekinetic abilities in the form of force wave radial.


Lost Sith would use a "glass blade" secondary. that is used in several abilities force throw and fractured blade strike. as well as backstab and the like. They would wield a vibro-sword or single sabers.

Advanced classes would be "Warden" or "Force Master" Warden would use betawave CC traps and force lightning damage while casting attacks. Force master would use acrobatics in conjunction with the force to attack several enemy in a dual using the force to boost his speed and stamina


The Traveler would use a Blaster rifle and secondary pistol in close range shootouts with heavy output like full auto or hail of bolts also it would have a set to stun ability for close range CC.

Advanced classes would be "Weaponer" or "Explorer" Weaponer would use a sniper or a blaster rifle and be capable of using an offhand pistol as well. Explorer would use stealth to initiate attacks without breaking stealth (grenade in the pocket or Poisoned dart) this would allow him to cast an attack before beginning an onslaught with his primary weapon a blaster rifle.

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