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Heroics will be un-nerfed, but BioWare needs to keep it that way. Here's why.

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Today I logged onto Swtor to do some Heroics with a friend to continue our quest for our guild flagship, and when we traveled over to Odessen to pick up some Heroics we could enjoy, we both became enraged at the fact that they had been nerfed. To our relief we found that the Heroics will be un-nerfed in 4.7, but later in the game's life the Heroics would receive some sort of nerf. Here are my opinions based off of facts that BioWare needs to leave the Heroics alone.


1) Heroics are one of the few "fun" ways to earn credits. Now, I know that there are many ways of going about earning them in the game. In fact, you could sit at the GTN all day if you wanted and attempt to sell items to other players, or you even use multiple characters' crew skills to get items that sell for a good price, etc. But all of these methods are not really that "fun." Whenever I have tried these various methods, I don't feel like I'm playing the game because it's a game, I feel like I'm playing the game because it's one of my daily chores, and that's not what I get online with my friends to do. Heroics were one of the very few ways to earn a fair amount of credits in a fair amount of time without just sitting around with my character staring at the monitor as they go through all of the various items she has to put on sale. I know that there are daily planets that make almost the same amount of credits as the heroics did, but they did not benefit me as much as the Heroics did with my companion alignment and my Alliance alignment. Not only that but there were far more Heroics for me to do which meant that I didn't get tired of doing the same 5 to 6 missions over and over. It seems as though after this nerf that BioWare would prefer to have people play the game as a chore more than as entertainment.


2) Level 65 players should be earning more than 18k for each heroic in the first place. I mean, we didn't get all the way to the end of the game just to be making small amounts of credits. I know that with a group that 18k can add up very quickly, especially with the bonuses (which I love). But as a person that only plays with one other friend 95% of the time, I feel as though we should be making more money than we are. Even scaling it up to 20k would make a difference. It stunned me when I found out that instead of buffing it (just a little tiny bit) they nerfed it more than 50% Half of 18k is definitely not 7k. I know that they tried to do this to stop the market inflation of items, but let's be real here, the reason these items are so much is because of the fact that they are more rare to find. It's like the Dev team thinks that because people are selling items that are extremely rare for more credits that the market is inflating, but in reality, that's impossible. In the US, the market is inflating because of the fact that because companies have to dish out more to make a product, they want more money in return so that their revenue is not affected by it. I'm sorry to tell you guys, but that piece of armor the vendor is selling is not going to inflate because, well, they aren't spending credits to make the thing. The inflation that the devs are mistaking is that people are selling these items for more credits because of the fact that they are rare and so they practically get to chose how much they sell the item for. If I were the only one to own Revan's Mask on the Harbinger, it wouldn't matter whether I put it for 50k or 50 million, the person is just giving me credits so I can buy other things. It's in a virtual world, yet they act like they are printing paper bills like the US and so every time someone has gained a large sum of money in the game through activities that the money will go to someone else and inflate the market, but it's simply not true because it's VIRTUAL MONEY. Lowering the price of one activity in the game that doesn't really leave a mark on the ingame economy is not going to fix anything because the only problem is the fact that the items are so dang rare because they are in a pack that hasn't been around for a long time.


3 - Final) Why the in the heck are you trying to fix the fact that people are earning too many credits by nerfing the heroics? Do you guys at BioWare understand that literally every single time I go to the Fleet I will guaranteed receive some form of mail from another player that says I can pay real money for ingame money. Don'y believe me? Well why don't you take a look at the chat sometime? I mean people only say it every 5 minutes. Do you want to know how they are getting these credits? Well I can start off by telling you it's certainly not because of Heroic's, because those actually require you to play the game. I once found a player using a bot in the Black Hole, just killing the same 3 enemies over and over. Why? Because he could then turn that ingame money that he just got from exploiting the ingame economy and turn it into real, usable cash. Not only do people use bots to, or at least in how you see it, inflate the ingame economy, but they are quite literally using your game to make money of their own.

Not just that but there are also people like I said that sit at the GTN all day and make tons of credits, or they use all 20 characters' crew skills to make tons of money. And yet you're going to nerf the one legitimate way for a high level player to both have fun with the game AND make enough credits to afford those endgame items? I mean where's the logic? Do you not fix these cheaters because they are paying you for their subscription? You do realize they are making the money to pay you by exploiting the very ingame economy you sought to fix by nerfing the one thing that was actually a good way to make money without it feeling like a chore, right? Swtor is by far my favorite game of all time, and I continue to support the devs as much as I can and as often as I can, but it now seems like they have given up on trying to make the game fun and would rather have people crowd around the GTN and do Swtor's version of Stock-Marketing.



Anyways, if you just read my rambling and I have some facts wrong please tell me.


Thanks for reading my first-ever (and hopefully last) Swtor rant.


May the Force be with you!

Oh, and Bowdaar ;)

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Nerfing the credits from heroics I think is more of a short term solution to the problem. I agree that 18 k is not enough for heroics at max level, but there are people with billions of credits. That is absurd. The inflation in this game is worse then almost any mmo. Maybe only World of Warcraft has a worse inflation issue. But yeah. I think heroics should be decreased just a little bit. And they do have to fix treasure hunting and bots because a lot of credits come from there. Honestly I make more money from treasure hunting then heroics with the lockboxes that contain companion gifts or gear. That's my opinion.
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Nerfing the credits from heroics I think is more of a short term solution to the problem. I agree that 18 k is not enough for heroics at max level, but there are people with billions of credits. That is absurd.


If my friends and guildmates are any indication (guild of several hundred players), those with hundreds of millions of credits let alone billions are few and far between.


I am one of those players with a LOT of credits (570 million). Most of my guildmates and friends are ecstatic when they have 10 million; and when I state that I have over half a billion credits they are legitimately shocked.


And let's be candid, looking at the GTN (which I do extensively because it is my primary source of credits)...other than the ultra rare CM items (e.g. unstable and vented sabers and the like), while inflation has had an impact, it is not nearly as bad as all too many claim. You can get a full set of adaptive armor shells for as little as 20k (granted it will be a hodgepodge and therefore won't look pretty, but it can be done). And many crafted items and some materials are at all time lows: augments, and left side gear (ear pieces, implants, and relics) used to sell for 80k - 120k pre-4.0 now augs sell for 30k - 45k and left side are 50k - 80k. Top grade sliced parts used to go for 20k to 25k each, now you are lucky to get 10k; even at the end of 2.x (when we knew a new grade of materials was coming) top grade sliced parts were valued at 12k to 15k each.


All I am saying is that if we ignore the ultra rare CM stuff, item value is probably not as inflated as we think.

Edited by psandak
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This is the wrong forum for this, this belongs in General Discussion (there is a lot more traffic over there too, and a slight chance someone from BW will read it)


Well I didn't really know where to post this so I just posted it in the best place I thought it could go

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