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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Crafting droids


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I was wondering if it would be possible to add the ability to construct droids. Droid parts used to be the armor for your droid companions, T7, M4, Scorpio, etc. What if we could use parts to actually build our own droid companion?


I'm thinking there could be a variety of models such as Astromech, Protocol, Assassin, warbot, battle droid, medical droid, etc.


Each crafting profession could make parts for droids that could be used to combine and make a new companion droid.

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I was wondering if it would be possible to add the ability to construct droids. Droid parts used to be the armor for your droid companions, T7, M4, Scorpio, etc. What if we could use parts to actually build our own droid companion?


I'm thinking there could be a variety of models such as Astromech, Protocol, Assassin, warbot, battle droid, medical droid, etc.


Each crafting profession could make parts for droids that could be used to combine and make a new companion droid.


I would love to have this so badly, I would love to build a Protocol droid that can use two blaster pistols or a staff. :D

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Hey did, any of you guys played Star wars: Revenge of the sith video game that came out before it was released in theatres? I thought it was cool with the types of droids I had to face as Obiwan Kenobi or Anakin Skywalker. They had some really cool super battle droids that had awesome upgrades. Hopefully Bioware can adapt some of that from that game and apply it to this crafting droid option. They would look so awesome! :) Edited by Clone_Enforcer
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I think it would be cool if you could make them for specific functions, crafting droid that Buffs chances with crafting or even gathering that increase the chances there. These could be types of protocol droids where you could get combat specific ones that can't or won't craft.


If a boy named Annie can build a droid I should have no problems either!

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Never happen. Why give us something interesting to craft when they can monetize it on the CM instead?


But then how will the first pet/droid companions comeback? Right now they aren't selling any more packs that had the akk dog or nexus. They are only selling packs from present to 1-2 months ago.

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  • 4 weeks later...
you do not saids chooses the administration and the truth everything has limits can not make a droid as T7 use two pistlas because it only has in the upper compartment fire a gun can not imagine throwing me two rallos from head to T7, and there one skill that makes you temporarily have companions and help as a plus
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  • 2 weeks later...
It would never have the features many of you would want. It would be very, very limited.


There are still droid parts floating around the game. All I'm asking for is to be able to use these and combine them in some manner that I can "craft" a droid companion. I wouldn't think the companion would be any different than 2V-R8 or T7 function wise but like clothing maybe the different parts offer different looks.


Such that a droids neural processor unit would establish what the head will look like. Different types of processors would look different from each other so you could mix and match, or customize how you want a droid to look.


They would not need any voice over options or anything just an additional droid companion that you created.

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