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So I made a Smuggler for the Light VS. Dark event and they are pretty funny so I though why not make a funny YouTube video with all the funny lines of the smuggler ? So I made one, and then I thought why not make this into a little series ? You know like a couple of videos with funny lines of the smuggler as an entertainment for you all :) I already made one and I realized its a whole lotta work because you need to exit out of every cut-scene and try all the answers to find the funny ones and its quite time consuming. So i wanted to ask if you guys would like that, if i get positive comments I may go ahead and make a little series out of it but if no one is interested or so then I will just leave it be ;3 So you tell me, would u guys like that or not really ? Be honest ~ I wont hate you no worries haha

Here is the link for the first one I made:

:D hope you enjoy ~

PS: Apologies if this is the wrong place to post this, i thought it was kinda related to the smuggler story line so technically "Story and Lore" lol :rolleyes:

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