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Darth Baras and The Emperor


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When you are about to leave Korriban, Darth Baras says something like he has to meet with the Emperor. IMO, he says this kinda casually like "I'm going to go run a few errands before I meet back up with you.". Do you think he really knew the emperor and would truly meet and consult with him on stuff? Is there in game evidence or game lore to back this up?

Or, was he just trying to show off to the SW by saying he had to meet with the head dude himself and make it seem like it's routine for him.

(Or was Darth Baras not really meeting with the Emperor? Maybe he was actually just at the all you can eat buffet.)

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Well, since Baras managed to manipulate the Emperor into going to Voss and getting stuck there, it is likely he did have some contact with the Emperor, although we have no way of knowing how much, as we also know he is generally full of **** most of the time.
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