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Why won't the developers fix Treasure Hunting Lockboxes, the main source of inflation


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you guys love defending these exploiters.


the game must be losing tons of cartel coin sales because these exploiters undercut them by getting unlimited credits really easy and undercutting the price of cartel coins.


for people who want credits, the exploiters are seriously undercutting cartel coins because the amount you would get through buying cartel coins and selling the items on the gtn is a joke in comparison to the price exploiters sell credits at and you guys keep defending the exploiters and the credit sellers. the game is losing thousands of dollars a day in cartel coin sales due to this exploit and the endless credit spam.


you sound just like Rozaraan....


NOBODY can undercut BW. they are the only source for cartel coins and hypercrates. EVERY SINGLE hypercrate came from them, no one else can generate them. you cant make cheap knockoffs, bootleg versions or any type of non bioware hypercrate. Bioware gets their money for every single one. the game hasnt lost a single cartel coin sale due to low gold seller prices. you on the other hand seem to be feeling the pain.

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And yet, as discussed in multiple posts in multiple threads, ad nauseum, before you decided to cherry pick one comment to 'prove' your argument , these zombies are popping up all over Imp side doing just that.

Just because you think people might not be dumb enough to do this doesn't hide the fact that you can see dozens of "players" out in the worlds doing just so and getting away with it for months on end.


then why arent the sitting in their stronghold with one of the vendors there? where you will never see them?

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then why arent the sitting in their stronghold with one of the vendors there? where you will never see them?


Good question, ask one of the many defenders in this (and other) thread(s) with a 3 day old post history next time you see one.


My take on it is as follows:


Maybe because it's cheaper to not buy a stronghold on an account that has the possibility of getting banned and each and every credit earned is a credit they can sell for real money?


Maybe because it's cheaper not to invest in putting in a legacy vendor and mailbox on their ship on an account that has the possibility of getting banned and each and every credit earned is a credit they can sell for real money?


Maybe because it's easier to write the macro to copy/pasta to each zombie character to include a generic Med/Stims NPC bot they all just *happen* to be standing directly on top of?


Maybe they get off on throwing the fact that they are exploiting out in public right in Bioware's face and they touch themselves every time someone posts in a forum thread like this?




Either way, the only one who is really going to lose here is Bioware in the end, when this game turns into 100,000 accounts of bot farmers and credit sellers all spamming each other, because people like me who only pay for one account get fed up with the fact that they let exploits like this continue for months on end unchecked, and vote with their $ elsewhere.


I know I won't be renewing my yearly sub unless this gets addressed with some semblance of seriousness other than generic auto-closures of tickets reporting this and the characters are still standing in the same place months later.

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Why would anyone even be so obcessed with an ingame "economy" of a VIDEOGAME unless THEY ARE MAKING MONEY FROM IT THEMSELVES, real money i mean.


Even if have 1billion credz man its useless anyway its a game ..


I get that it matters we all have tastes and so on, but lets not go neurotic over it pls.

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then why arent the sitting in their stronghold with one of the vendors there? where you will never see them?


there were hundreds of sith juggernauts sitting in their fury ship 24/7 for months. then when people posted on the forums about how it looked so unusual all 240 or more of them moved to a random vendor in the game within a couple hour period of time. after having sat in their spaceship for months. thus proving all 240 or more of them were controlled by ONE EXPLOITER (this was more than 2 months ago and all those toons are still online exploiting 24/7)


so they can be noticed, even if they move to their strongholds or ships. but they were flushed out and now are at random vendors in the game.


this has been going on since kotfe, when they made a terrible simplication of the system. they took a system based on being balanced by being time gated and then removed 95% of the time gate.

Edited by Akostt
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there were hundreds of sith juggernauts sitting in their fury ship 24/7 for months. then when people posted on the forums about how it looked so unusual all 240 or more of them moved to a random vendor in the game within a couple hour period of time. after having sat in their spaceship for months. thus proving all 240 or more of them were controlled by ONE EXPLOITER (this was more than 2 months ago and all those toons are still online exploiting 24/7)


so they can be noticed, even if they move to their strongholds or ships. but they were flushed out and now are at random vendors in the game.


this has been going on since kotfe, when they made a terrible simplication of the system. they took a system based on being balanced by being time gated and then removed 95% of the time gate.


ok, you are the same zero that was posting about it back then. he never ever proved in any way they were all the same person, he just kept claiming that. and as the previous nerf crusader posted, why would he pay for the ship unlocks on an account that might be banned. If there is an exploit going on, it is from botting, no one is exploiting the treasure hunting code. It is working as intended. You keep making accounts and harping on this, using your name from the gold seller sites this time and trying that lame excuse that you were trolling the gold sellers. very thin.

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Why would anyone even be so obcessed with an ingame "economy" of a VIDEOGAME unless THEY ARE MAKING MONEY FROM IT THEMSELVES, real money i mean.


Even if have 1billion credz man its useless anyway its a game ..


I get that it matters we all have tastes and so on, but lets not go neurotic over it pls.


What I would like to know is what kind of OCD individual would go to such lengths to reregister an account, with a different username, to just be spouting the same conspiracy theory rants? About a video game.....seriously some people need to get out more, talk to their sponsor or something...

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what i want to know is why the same group of 5 or so people defend this massive exploiting and ignore all evidence of its existence?


rhetorical question, we know lots of exploiters are doing this and making a ton of profit off of this stupid game design and defending it on the forums at all cost.

Edited by Akostt
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what i want to know is why the same group of 5 or so people defend this massive exploiting and ignore all evidence of it's existence?


rhetorical question, we know lots of exploiters are doing this and making a ton of profit off of this stupid game design and defending it on the forums at all cost.


Cause they're in on it why else

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what i want to know is why the same group of 5 or so people defend this massive exploiting and ignore all evidence of its existence?


rhetorical question, we know lots of exploiters are doing this and making a ton of profit off of this stupid game design and defending it on the forums at all cost.


When someone goes around Twitter harassing people under the alias "SWTORDetective", it loses any credibility. Not that you had any to begin with, also given the fact this is your 2nd or 3rd clone account on the official forums (The previous 1 or 2 were banned, I wonder why).:rolleyes:

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what i want to know is why the same group of 5 or so people defend this massive exploiting and ignore all evidence of its existence?


rhetorical question, we know lots of exploiters are doing this and making a ton of profit off of this stupid game design and defending it on the forums at all cost.


Maybe because it's not an exploit, and it's not massive? According to your own inflated numbers, it would still take years to matter at all. In those same years though, the base game would move even further, preventing it from ever mattering.


Everyones tired of you clogging up the forums, beating a dead horse.

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When someone goes around Twitter harassing people under the alias "SWTORDetective", it loses any credibility. Not that you had any to begin with, also given the fact this is your 2nd or 3rd clone account on the official forums (The previous 1 or 2 were banned, I wonder why).:rolleyes:


check out that twitter

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what i want to know is why the same group of 5 or so people defend this massive exploiting and ignore all evidence of its existence?


rhetorical question, we know lots of exploiters are doing this and making a ton of profit off of this stupid game design and defending it on the forums at all cost.


Because we love that you make less real world money per credit you sell, we love that this hurts your business in that regard.

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Because we love that you make less real world money per credit you sell, we love that this hurts your business in that regard.


if the developers want rampant inflation then they should increase credit payouts for regular activities that real players do on a regular basis. normal players don't send out treasure hunting lockbox missions 24/7 multiplied by hundreds of accounts like the exploiters do.

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if the developers want rampant inflation then they should increase credit payouts for regular activities that real players do on a regular basis. normal players don't send out treasure hunting lockbox missions 24/7 multiplied by hundreds of accounts like the exploiters do.


There is no rampant inflation, you are talking nonsense.

Medpacs, Stims, pretty much all crafted goods are more or less sitting around the same prices they have for months on end.


Even cartel market items took a DIVE in price overall when they released the chance cubes in the packs due to supply increasing.


If RMT is such a problem you though maybe they should take other actions to attack the acts of RMT trading itself like just cap trade to no more than 1 million per transaction per hour forcing people to go through the GTN where things can be tracked and taxed.

Also no mailing more than 1 million credits to non legacy toons.


There are plenty of other actions they could take to hurt RMTs than just nerfing treasure hunting.

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CM sets and rare pieces of those sets have risen 5-15x the price from before.


Before Tulak set was around 20-25m tops, now 150-200, same with Satele's nearly same exact price range, also Revan's set, also korrealis 1.1 mounts being listed for 500m-1b really?


Doesn't look like a CM drop, looks like an inflated rise to me.

Edited by Theeko
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CM sets and rare pieces of those sets have risen 5-15x the price from before.


Before Tulak set was around 20-25m tops, now 150-200, same with Satele's nearly same exact price range, also Revan's set, also korrealis 1.1 mounts being listed for 500m-1b really?


Doesn't look like a CM drop, looks like an inflated rise to me.


Once again, those are rare, LUXURY ITEMS that you do not need, but want. Having your character look cool is a luxury, and that market is what it is. If you dont want to pay the credits, put up your own money for CC and buy them through the market. But if you think they should regulate what people charge for items they pay for with their real money, just because you either cant afford it or dont want to pay it, then the issue is yours.


I will get the maximum amount I can out of items I buy from the CM, because there are plenty of whales that can afford it.

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Those that buy them at those prices are only so few these days.


Maybe, but havent run into the auction even lasting a day before selling, so I will continue to sell them at the highest price I can while the market sustains it. And before I sell it for a couple million, I will keep it for myself.

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Maybe, but havent run into the auction even lasting a day before selling, so I will continue to sell them at the highest price I can while the market sustains it. And before I sell it for a couple million, I will keep it for myself.


Oh you were just talking about a couple mill, I was talking about the items ranging from 100m-1b

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CM sets and rare pieces of those sets have risen 5-15x the price from before.


Before Tulak set was around 20-25m tops, now 150-200, same with Satele's nearly same exact price range, also Revan's set, also korrealis 1.1 mounts being listed for 500m-1b really?


Doesn't look like a CM drop, looks like an inflated rise to me.


You are talking about gold items that have an incredibly low drop rate currently ( being they only come from chance cubes and those are even rarer now with the recent change ) - these were always going to increase in price due to how BW do the CM now.

I.e. the items haven't come back from packs being put back up, no more BSG packs or even grand packs where they would drop from.


The issue for those items is a lack of supply ( unprecedented lack of supply for those items in this game ) not a sudden boost in inflation.


The MAJORITY of CM items ( i.e. all Silver/Bronze items and many newer gold items ) saw massive price dips when the cubes came out even though the economy was supposedly inflating.


To further demonstrate this now that chance cubes are more rare and less silver/bronze items from embargoed packs are being introduced into the game the prices are starting to creep back up for those.


It pays to think things over or discuss them fully before just jumping to conclusions as to what may be causing inflation. In this instance it was a supply issue with items, not a boost in credits driving prices up even though that no doubt contributes to the final, current price it's clearly not even close to being them ain driving force behind inflation.

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Those that buy them at those prices are only so few these days.


If they are so few though then that support that people aren't really buying credits from RMTs to pay those prices then meaning RMTs are even less of a problem?


It seems to be the only group of people who suffer from having credits selling for 40c per million are the RMTs themselves and that's a good thing.

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