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Character Soft Reset please


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To be brief- if there are rewards for leveling every class in the D/L event, then allow us to soft reset a character. All unlocks in the collection remain, appearance stays the same, but level and completed quests are reset.

This allows us to play through the story again without having to create more characters or delete them.


Bonus: getting to replay lower level stuff with the perfect gear set for screenshots.


Yes / No?

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So after another day of play, I just have to really push this again.


I feel like this wouldn't be a very difficult thing to implement, but admittedly I know nothing about programming.


However, I do think that people would use this A LOT for this Light/Dark event. Running through old content isn't the worst (although I guess other people feel that way), the worst is losing all of the stuff from your character who has already completed the content.


Now, maybe if you only have like 3 characters you can start some new ones no problem.


But... some of us..... I won't name any names *cough* me *cough* have filled our roster with 2 of each class and have leveled them at least a moderate amount. Re-rolling a new character at this point is a serious hassle. I'm already pretty attached to my crew! I already spent a considerable amount of money ( oh god why did I do that) making them look cool and giving them cool stuff!! I LIKE THEIR FACES---


So if I could soft reset like half of my team OH MAN I would be really excited. I would love that. Seriously.


I'm guessing if this DID get implemented y'all would charge for it. FINE. BUT PLEASE PLEASE GIVE US THIS OPTION!!!!


That is all thank you :)

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I get it. I spent like 500$ on this game last year. and I have 11 characters at 50 or higher been a sub most of the time the game has been out and been an active player for much of my weekly gaming. If you could only reset your level and missions back to page one for this event it would make the process much easier to participate in. I just started a new gunnery commando as I have 2 imps for each class; 2 consular(1 was leveled instantly to 60 the other just began ch.4); 2 troopers (lvl 17 and lvl 50+); a smuggler lvl 24; AND a Jedi Knight level 50+ whats a pimp(person I made playing) gotta do?
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To be brief- if there are rewards for leveling every class in the D/L event, then allow us to soft reset a character. All unlocks in the collection remain, appearance stays the same, but level and completed quests are reset.

This allows us to play through the story again without having to create more characters or delete them.


Bonus: getting to replay lower level stuff with the perfect gear set for screenshots.


Yes / No?


Why bother resetting level? Why take away all our cool skills? With level sync you'll be overpowered sure...but having the enemies (including bosses) inside phases be super-strong (compared to others of their level and rank) could compensate for any lack of challenge you may experience.

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Why bother resetting level? Why take away all our cool skills? With level sync you'll be overpowered sure...but having the enemies (including bosses) inside phases be super-strong (compared to others of their level and rank) could compensate for any lack of challenge you may experience.



I was under the impression that in order to get the rewards for the Light/Dark event you had to start a new character after the event began. If you are able to complete the event as a max level then I severely misunderstood the explanation.

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I was under the impression that in order to get the rewards for the Light/Dark event you had to start a new character after the event began. If you are able to complete the event as a max level then I severely misunderstood the explanation.


No. You need to start a new character from 1. If I am correct, even 60 boosted characters don't count.

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I think Mayhem's line of thought was more along the lines of leaving level / gear alone and only resetting the mission / companion flags back to being like a brand new character... and then in this reset state you're playing "New Game +" versions of all story missions where all NPCs in story instances are bumped up in rank and/or scaled up in health to be more competitive with your end-game stats and abilities?


That's my guess. That post wasn't interested in addressing this topic's intention of trying to find a way to allow existing characters to become LvD characters. That post was just pushing the "New Game +" idea. (Of course, the two ideas aren't mutually exclusive. A NGP character could also be a LvD character. The only reason, I think, that it needs to be a new level 1 for LvD currently is because they want participant characters to have a clean slate on the mission and companion flags to make it easier to track the changes.)

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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I think Mayhem's line of thought was more along the lines of leaving level / gear alone and only resetting the mission / companion flags back to being like a brand new character... and then in this reset state you're playing "New Game +" versions of all story missions where all NPCs in story instances are bumped up in rank and/or scaled up in health to be more competitive with your end-game stats and abilities?


That's my guess. That post wasn't interested in addressing this topic's intention of trying to find a way to allow existing characters to become LvD characters. That post was just pushing the "New Game +" idea. (Of course, the two ideas aren't mutually exclusive. A NGP character could also be a LvD character. The only reason, I think, that it needs to be a new level 1 for LvD currently is because they want participant characters to have a clean slate on the mission and companion flags to make it easier to track the changes.)


Ah! That makes sense! Thank you for clarifying.


I agree that the two ideas aren't necessarily exclusive, except I'm under the impression that you unlock a reward in LvD event by reaching level 25, and I'm not sure how that would be applicable if your base level is max and you are scaled?


In any case, I'm on board any solution that allows existing characters to participate in the LvD event (without losing hard earned goodies of course) :)

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