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Nar shaddaa BUG 4.6


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While I was playing my Dark vs Light event char (Jedi consular) I came across this bug that forces my game to quit.

This issue is stopping me from completing the story for my Jedi consular on Nar Shaddaa (planet) however I have tried accessing Nar Shaddaa on my other chars and have gotten the same issue and my game quits and gives the following message (copied exactly)



This program encountered an internal error and will exit

Error code C12

Failed to load room dat file

[/world/areas/4611686027681070173/alliance_rusk_ and_skadge_blacksun_hq.dat]

Reason: Not found


Judging by the name I guessing that the file in question is upcoming content.

So far this has only happened on Nar Shaddaa and I’m unable to access this planet if anyone else is having this issue and has a workaround please post below.

Edited by UmbraLight
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