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game is totally messed up


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Here on Progenitor we cannot go to SHs, quit/log, etc.


Really ****s with RP.


Can still use chat channels, except from General if you try to enter a SH.


It's weird.


EDIT: Haven't tested moving areas or instance, yet. Not gonna bother.

Edited by samkellar
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Having issues here too on The Progenitor. I can't even move from a small area around me and I see every other character on my screen idle while on the Fleet; place I got stuck at :rak_frown:


Hmm, I was in my SH, couldn't do anything with the UI. UI was glitchy last few days there, but this afternoon, I had to reenter the SH just to get the 'SH label' go away.


Seeing other people idle is what lag and/or disconnect looks like... There have been some glitchy minutes this last week: I saw someone in my group get DC when a rather minor battle got hot, and I experienced severe lag myself one day later. Those were two different Heroics groups on two different planets & days.

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Issues here on Progenitor as well. Was playing and suddenly the chat window stopped showing any kind of updates. Another friend said it was working for him. I jumped and asked if he saw it, but on his screen no movement. Assumed I'd been disconnected, so tried logging out.


Upon logging out, the game was hanging on the loading screen and I ended up having to crash it. When I tried to boot it up again, it still hangs on the loading screen.


Furthest I've got is server select (after a long time of it trying to load to character select), but it again hangs when trying to log in to the server.


My friend got kicked from the game around half an hour after I crashed mine and now also can't log back in. Someone else in my guild is still online and says it's showing that I'm still logged in but my friend isn't.

Edited by erisvult
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Is there no Admin around to sort out this? I mean, this is like 1/3 ENG servers in Europe, tomorrow (today, actually) is a patch day, and then the new chapter will be released on thursday...


Do anyone of you think this has to do with the Dark VS Light event? :p

Problems with re-rolling many people at the same time? Someone told me it was tuesday... yep ... "beginning June 28! " http://www.swtor.com/dark-vs-light/home

Edited by Dreamsharer
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