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How hard is it to get Valor 5?


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This is kind of encouraging for me. I've never PvPed in SWTOR either so I was a little worried about it.


It sounds like getting the requirements aren't too bad at all though.


It is really easy. Start out on a low level character before you jump into the level 65 WZ's. You might actually enjoy it they are pretty fun on low level toons.

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Okay, here's my standard New-To-PVP peptalk:



  • Valor 5 is crazy-easy.
  • I understand trepidation about PVP - until you actually start doing warzones your only exposure to PVP tends to be reading what toxic braggarts are writing in pvp chat.
  • Ignore those guys. Seriously, ignore them.
  • Lowbie is where people go to learn. If you are new to PVP, do lowbie. No one who is not the aforementioned toxic braggart is going to rage at you in lowbie.
  • You die a lot in PVP. It's okay to die a lot in PVP.
  • If you're really, really scared... be a healer. It's so nice to have healers, you are less likely to be raged at no matter what level you're playing.


When you're in the bullpen waiting for the match to start, it doesn't hurt to let people know you're new, you don't want to stink, state your build and then ask what you should be doing. If you don't get an answer... you've lucked into a match where no one else knows what they are doing either.


AMEN on all counts

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Race based Tallon and Vallon, Good/Neutral/Evil religion/alignment based Sullon with no level limits, or free for all - no teams Rallos?


I was a guide on Vallon Zek before it merged with Tallon from just before Kunark to sometime before PoP. The griefing, harassment, puerile boasting-goading etc soured me on pvp for life. As a guide I didn't play on the server, only helped players when they got stuck in the environment, reported illegal behavior for the GM to investigate, and detailed bug reports via my daily report. We sometimes helped the GM during live events. (talk about Lag!)

Those events were really primitive by SWTOR standards.

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It is really easy. Start out on a low level character before you jump into the level 65 WZ's. You might actually enjoy it they are pretty fun on low level toons.


Absolutely right! Lowbie PvP is a blast!


And, at that level, winning only means more valor. There is no shame in losing a match. Just go shoot stuff and have fun. Valor 5 takes no time to achieve.

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It is really easy. Start out on a low level character before you jump into the level 65 WZ's. You might actually enjoy it they are pretty fun on low level toons.


I will try that. I haven't even done the "intro to PVP" quest yet on any of my characters, but I'll try it with my new character on the 28th. I probably won't be alone at least with having no idea what I'm doing.

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