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Kamp Krixarcs Twitch Stream


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Nice stream! I have a constructive critique for you.




T1 Gunship:


We didn't see it used much because I think you had pretty low requisition on it. But what I saw, I liked. When you pulled it out in that Mesas Domination at the end of your stream, you were laying down good ion support and doing a good job at surviving against scouts. Bravo for not dying to Halkian's scout as he's one of the best players in the game IMO. I can't help but think you could have won that game if you had some decent upgrades. What gives with that by the way? I thought you've been playing for like 2 years...surely you have mastered ships by now? Very good BLC aim with your T1 GS. Your BLC aim was actually way better in GS than in scout.



T2 Gunship:

- Nice use of directional shields. I like how you immediately hit F2 when charging your unaffected side for quicker regen. I should get in a habit of doing that more often. However, I think you are generally overusing F2. Once you have full shields you are usually better off going back to F1 if you're jousting or F3 if you're running. You still have lots of shields so you don't really need the relatively small bonus provided by F2.

- Nice railgun use overall. I think you tend to get a bit sloppy when shooting at low evasion targets like Strikes. Keep that focus up for every target, even the ones that you think are easy to hit.

- If you switched to a power dive Condor you would be so much stronger. Yes, you produce a lot of offense when unpressured in your T2, and you are very crafty in surviving when the pressure is on. However, when you spend so much time running from scouts like Celebrin, your team suffers. You were doing a good job trying to engage him in that Mesas TDM, but if you had BLC and cluster missiles or even regular laser, cluster, and retro (The Vexxial), you would have actually been able to kill him. Then you could have moved on faster and started producing more kills. Your team fell back like almost 10 kills while Celebrin was chasing you for like 5 minutes.

- Ion railgun completely crippled you. The only times you were able to escape was by shear luck. You are very good at finding LoS spots to snipe from, so most of the time you were able to avoid ion. But there will always be times when you are exposed. If you used power dive on a Condor then you'd suddenly have a counter to that. Seriously, I don't know why you won't at least try it. You clearly are quite good at using power dive, I saw it on your scout. Which leads me to...




- Overall good piloting skills. Nice use of power dive. Like seriously you are good with power dive, so use it on the Condor please.

- Your BLC aim was quite inconsistent. You made some terrific shots, but generally you were shooting quite sloppy, sometimes missing the crosshair entirely. Be more patient and take the time to line up your target before unloading. Half the job in using BLC properly in a scout is precision piloting to put yourself in a good firing position.

- I really liked how you went into F2 mode when you had a shield overcharge pickup and engaged other ships even without your cooldowns ready. That's a great idea and something I will use in the future. Most scout pilots rely entirely on cooldowns, so it's really cool to see stuff like that.

- Great job clearing out that "glass house" area in Shipyards TDM. I think you got like 5 kills in 10 seconds, very impressive. I think that was only possible because you run 20% turning. Am I correct about that? If you are running extra turning, you would probably really benefit from taking some time to find engine overcharges. I think you spent a lot of the time fighting with DO though, so it's forgivable.

- I like your scout build. I actually use something very similar. Have you tried using running interference instead of wingman? I'm still not entirely sure which build I like better, but just a suggestion if you haven't given it a shot already.

- I think you spent a little too much time trying to kill turrets on nodes occupied by bombers. You did a great job of shooting mines with rocket pods, but once those are clear you should pop DF, rush the node, and either kill the turrets close up or kill the bomber quickly. I think you probably didn't have the BLC AP upgrade which of course would make that task more difficult. But it would still be a better option than what you were doing - sitting at 5900m in F2 and trying to kill turrets with pods. You got killed every time you did that.






- Good T2 Gunship, but I would probably reserve using it for when you have a decent support team around you. You'd need at least one bomber support from your team (which you correctly mentioned in chat). If you have no support I think you'll find the T3 Gunship (Condor/Jurg) a lot more effective, even if you get a few less damage overcharges due to dropping barrel roll.

- Solid T2 scout. Just work on being more patient and accurate with BLC. And rush the node once you clear the mines.

- Use the T1 gunship more.





EDIT: Oh and please change the music up once in awhile, that song got maddening after the first half hour.

Edited by RickDagles
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Siracha sauce keep dreaming i aint using ur gimped T3 GS OK so get over it the only reason i have power dive on my T2 scout is bc I want to beat tsukiyomi (srry i cant call him expletives or my post get deleted) 1v1 and i know he just spam cluster to win bc he cant aim with BLC


yes my ship are stock yes Dixarcs got mad at me and deleted my toon

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